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Hey, sisterlynch.


Being a guy, though one that definitely wouldn't cheat, I'd say, that those jerk guys just want ass, really; so when the girlfriend isn't around, they have to get it somewhere else. Then (when they get caught) they try to justify that by saying he didn't understand the boundaries or some BS that he and his girlfriend had set up, or not set up and discussed for that matter.




Anyway, hope I helped.


Your friend, Brian.

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Actually I was thinking more like husbands who go out to bars and meet lots of other women. Aren't they really setting themselves up for failure?


When they say I cheated because there was no communication, do they really mean sex? I still think that the antidote is to always stand up for what is right and never comprimise when it is something really important.


Also I think that we expect the other to know too much how we are feeling without really telling them.


So if the man says, there was a lack of communication, he really means, "I didn't tell my wife how lonely I was, and she let me go to bars where I was likely to meet another woman, and so that is how she is at fault for me leaving the relationship to satisfy my needs with other women. Someone "easier" than my wife. Since my wife is at home talking on the phone to her mother about what a jerk I am lately, I'll show her what a jerk I really am by sleeping with this easy chick here."

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  • 5 months later...

I'd say that maybe you're pretty close to the target there....Guys have this knack for pushing the blame on the other person when they get caught. call it guilt, call it the fact that they know they were wrong, but before you lay any more into em, they're going to come up with something you "did wrong"


can I say it was not your fault at all? no...but his reasons aren't justification for cheating. especially when he blames not being able to communicate that he's lonely on you. That's his responsibility.

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