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another thread about scruples


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Have you ever wanted to reconcile, felt like there would be a fair chance of success, but held back because the ex wronged you and hasn't given an apology or somehow made up for it? What did you do?



So... should I even be so bold as to ask what the ex did to wrong you? Does it occur to you that you should hold back until the apology, or you will have to suffer the embarrassing consequences of watching he/she go out AND not apoligize? Now damn that sux

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i am divorcing my husband who i love dearly because of this exact reason...


he was unfaithful more than once and although he has apologized more than once, he broke my trust and it just doesn't feel sincere to me.


i would like to reconcile with him more than anything but i am afraid i would always hold his affairs against him. he has lied to me too many times and i know i could never really trust him. this is not the way to live with someone and why put both of us through that.


in respect for the good parts of our past together, i won't put either of us through this.


you have to know yourself, that will tell you what to do. it's not easy and it might not be what you want.... but you have to figure out what you need. good luck.

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I am currently in NC, determined not to break it this time. I'm neither expecting nor waiting for an apology. He's not in the state of mind to give one and for this reason, along with some others, a reconciliation wouldn't work very well. I don't think it's out of the question, but it's not the time right now. I was just curious about what other people have done.

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