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Ok so yet another vent/questions. Thanks to everyone here too, it seriously has been a lot of help! Alright, so in my heart I know my boyfriend and I got back together way to soon. It was a month of fighting, but we talked everyday.. Most days me begging, crying... So now we actually discused the fact that he can't dump me every two minutes he isn't happy.. And he said that he knows, and will try... I have a problem though.. He hasn't said sorry for all the mean things he has said to me... And its making me so clingy to him (yes were in a LDR but I text through out the day).. He has told me that I give him no space, but its just because of his hot and cold behavior.. He used to give me so much affection.. Now rarely.. I know he loves me, otherwise he wouldn't bother.. But how do I stop stressing out over me and him? I go to school and work, but still I stress out and question our relationship so much. Its like I need answers from him.. And I try to force them out.. But his answers never seem to be the same.. I think my self esteem with him is gone, and I don't know how to get it back... I love this guy with all my heart and just want to work out our problems together. It is worth it to me... What should I do?

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Act more aloof. If you're not clingy and back off a bit for a while, he'll probably come around on his own. Even if he doesn't on his own, he'll be more open to you asking again in a week or so. The more you smother him, the harder it will be for him to process what happened on his own and give you the answers you really seek.

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It's one thing when you're clingy in person, but if you're managing to be clingly from another state, that's a problem. His message to you is "back off" so you'll need to respect that in order for him to respect you. If you've lost your esteem, gain in back outside of the relationship. If you need him to make you feel good, he's sensing that and does not want to be responsible for your well-being.

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