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Here's what I do to help me with emotional eating:


I tell myself that the food I'm about to eat will NOT solve whatever crisis I have going on. IT WILL NOT MAKE IT BETTER! I WILL EAT THE CANDY BAR AND 'XYZ' WILL STILL BE THERE! So, in addition to being upset about 'xyz', I will NOW be upset because I went off my eating plan.


Food solves NOTHING. We all need food to survive, but it NEVER solved a single problem.


I hope that was helpful hon...


I wish you all the best




Thanks girl.....everything you said is spot on because after I ate my little heart out, I felt guily and lousy that I veered off track. I gave myself an emotional lashing but then I was right there eating again later because I was depressed that I failed on top of being depressed and missing my dad! What a crazy vicious cycle.

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Thanks girl.....everything you said is spot on because after I ate my little heart out, I felt guily and lousy that I veered off track. I gave myself an emotional lashing but then I was right there eating again later because I was depressed that I failed on top of being depressed and missing my dad! What a crazy vicious cycle.


And you CAN break it, but just telling yourself "eating will NOT make me feel any better...this will NOT solve the problem. The problem will still be here when I am done bingeing on this."


Start talking BACK to yourself. Don't give food all that control.



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When I want to eat tons do to stress-I still eat. But to keep me on track, I eat a small 100-200 calorie healthy thing every 2-3 hours. I'm still eating...but not as much. By the end of the day, I may have had no proper meals, but I dealt with the emotional aspect of the eating (feeling 'content' when life otherwise prevented it), and filled myself up with good things! A spinach/olive oil/salt&pepper/lemon salad for one snack, a quarter cup of cottage cheese, an apple...Smoked salmon on water crackers...

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