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Female virgin


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i have a few questions about female virgins, i just wanted to know since my gf is 1, how to actually have intercourse w/oo causing anymore pain than what shes going to feel. i have never had intercourse with a virgin and dont know whats its like. if any of you ladies can help me it will me really great. i also wanted to know if its tru that all girls bleed the first time,and if its true then how much??? is it alot?

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No girl, but advice from a man. Take it slowly and monitor her reactions. I've been in this situation for four times. Taking it slow made it good for me, and 'good' for her. The first time is never really great for a woman I guess. The trick is to be good enough to be able to stick around.


You're posting on this message board, so you care enough and will do fine!

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i have to agree with hero99' first comment.

and well just dont jump straight in with the rough or tantric sex. unfortunatley most occasions bring some discomfort, but i guess its something that will go after time. as long as she is comfortable then thats ok. being her first time make sure you talk to her.


as for the do all women bleed, no not all women bleed and if they do, well i guess every womans different, i couldnt put an amount on it really.


(good advice from others though, and im assuming the website will help you out)



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Whew, I opened that page and I flew outta my chair. YIKES lol.


Well, my gf's first time was tough. She is on the pill, so we didn't use a condom nor any lubrication. I wanted the first to be 'real' for her I guess. So we took it slow... like 20minutes slow. I had my tip in, but nothing much more. Then waited for the next few times..


Did she bleed? Yes

Was it alot? It was like if you picked a scab the size of her vaginal opening.

Was it good for her? No.


She said "I have heard my friend tell me all about it, and she said it just hurts the first time, just work through it and then about the 3rd time it begins to be pleasurable."


I guess that is what has happened with us. Like everyone says, take it slow, don't go too far in... it always makes me worry whenever she bleeds... its like "AM I HURTING YOU?!?".... but then you have to realize "if that is what she wants to do, then its what she wants." Listen to her that will be your best bet.


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