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How to make 1st time sex good???

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hello everyone... i don't get to see my boyfriend very often because he goes to another school. we're probably going to have sex soon, and i'm a virgin. he knows what he's doing, but many girl friends of mine have been talking about how much it hurts the first few times. i really don't want our first time to be as bad as all my friend's first times were, because if the first time sucks it will be awhile before we can try again. i know, it gets better with practice, but does anyone have any tips to make this as painless and fun as possible for both me and him?


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Do lots of foreplay. Also I suggest getting lots of lube so it won't be hard for him to push inside you. It does hurt somewhat the first time (I didn't think it hurt that bad). The second time it didn't even hurt at all. You will bleed, but don't worry unless it becomes very excessive, and you don't stop bleeding. Also lay in a position where you are very relaxed. I suggest you have him on top of you the first time so you muscles will be relaxed and it is easier and less painful. Let him know you need him to be gentle and to go slow. I hope this helped.

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allright well all my friends have had sex and lemme tell u why the firstime always hurts, its becasue girls alwasy have to be on the bottom the first time or the first few.i bet if u ask all ur friends if they were on the bottom the first time, they would answer with a yyes. now as scary as being on top would be, it has a couple positvies. it hurts half as bad, and guys are turned on bigtime by girls that are aggressive i guess u could say be casue if ur crying hes not gonna be turned on. and u dont need to use lubrication becasue if ur a virgin ur bodys gonna have you coverd in that department. the only thing u would need a lube for was cuz it has spericide which increses the precentages of sperm killed if any would happen to leak out of the condom. dont liten to the fool who posted the reply above me he or she dont know wehat there talking about. no offense kid

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I Agree with what, lil_mamarains13 said.. Use lots of lube (yet be sure not to use TOO much), it's going to hurt alittle the first time although if you're relaxed and ready to have sex it won't be so bad. Also like was said make sure he knows to be gentle and go slow and things should be fine.

As for fightthisfeeling, I'm sorry if i'm sounding witchy or whatever but you say "all my friends have had sex" so seems like maybe you havent? so how could you possibly know? and what does being a virgin have to do with anything as far as lubrication goes? When I lost my virginity I had to use lube.. Most people, the ones I know atleast dont just use lube because of the "spemicide" but because it helps lubricate(obviously, d'oh!).

But Enough of That..

Good Luck EmptySoul

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thank you everyone...routerx, i know there are a lot of people who don't like that people my age have sex, and i understand that because i was one of them. but i've thought about it for a few years now, making sure i won't regret having sex at this age, and i'm okay with it. i don't want to go into this subject any further, because i have a feeling it will turn into a "when to have sex?" debate...


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  • 3 weeks later...
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If you want your first time to be great.. make sure you are in love with the person and you want to spend your life with them. In other words, it may not be such a great idea at 14.
I'm 14 and in love. You think that 14-year olds can't be in love?
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