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No cigarette for 24hours now...

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....well just over 24hrs, which is the longest I've been in 5 years without a cigarette. Can some of you guys tell me what I'm in for over the next few days, concerning withdrawl symptons and what not. I've been smoking a pack a day for over a year.


Right now all I really feel like is a SMOKE and I'm starting to get a running nose. How many hours/days before the full effect of withdrawl symptons take place and what should I expect? Thanks guys.

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Well, I have never smoked so all I can say is what other people have told me. I really don't know about symptoms or anyting, but I don know that about half of the addiction is mental, so if you get something that memics that rutean of smoking (usualy candy like suckers or twizzlers) it seems to help my friends alot.


I guess that really is all I know. Sorry. I hope someone else can help you.

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Here is a website full of information.....

i am a smoker, i have been thinking about quittin for a while now, Congratulations on the great decision!


What Are the Symptoms?


In active tobacco users, a lack of nicotine produces a wide range of withdrawal symptoms, including any or all of the following:




Constipation or diarrhea

Falling heart rate and blood pressure

Fatigue, drowsiness, and insomnia


Difficulty concentrating



Increased hunger and caloric intake

Increased pleasantness of the taste of sweets

Tobacco cravings


Call Your Doctor if:


You are a tobacco user concerned about your health for any reason. Tobacco users are more susceptible to respiratory problems; circulatory problems such as stroke, heart attack, and occlusive vascular disorder; and many forms of cancer.

You want to stop using tobacco. Your doctor can prescribe nicotine and non-nicotine based aids and refer you to counseling or to other cessation programs to get you through the withdrawal stage.


Withdrawal from nicotine, an addictive drug found in tobacco, is characterized by symptoms that include headache, anxiety, nausea, and a craving for more tobacco. Nicotine creates a chemical dependency so that the body develops a need for a certain level of nicotine at all times. Unless that level is maintained, the body will begin to go through withdrawal.


For tobacco users trying to quit, symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine are unpleasant and stressful, but temporary. Most withdrawal symptoms peak 48 hours after you quit and are completely gone in six months. But even after that you may still have to deal with the fact that you are probably eating more than you did as a smoker and may need to lose some weight


i got this information from WEBMD website, here is the web address incase you want to read up on it....


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hey there, i commend you for quitting smoking. i did it, too. the first two days are difficult, headaches, lightheadedness, being tired. nut once you get over the two or three days, it's much easier. every day gets easier- just get past those few days. take a walk, make sure you get exercise, drink some caffeine- it helped ease some of the effects, but don't get addicted to caffeine. you'll think about smoking throughout the day for some time, but it varies person to person. the thoughts are fleeting (sometimes only for a few seconds) depending on what you're doing and every day it gets a little easier. I quit cold turkey and it's the only way for me. everyone's differnt, but i needed to get the nicotine completely out of my system to succeed. you'll see how much easier it is after a week. you will barely think about it for more than a few seconds a few times a day. but it's not too bad.


good luck!

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