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Question for Ladies, Belated Valentines?


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My girlfriend will be busy on the 13th and 14th entertaining a friend from out of town. We've only been dating 3 weeks, so this is no insult to me on Valentine's day since she already had plans for this.


My question. I'm seeing her on the 15th. Should I send her her gift on the 14th or give it to her in person on the 15th?


I'm wondering if I wait until the 15th, if she may be deflated a bit on V-day if nothing arrives for her.


What do you think?

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Your girlfriend???


Im glad you and your lady friend are working out so well!!


I think you should try to get flowers sent to her house on Saturday and then go out on Sunday. Think what a good impression it will make on the friend as well. extra points.


Then go out on Sunday and you don't have to worry about flowers.


Have fun!!

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Flowers- on the 14th, with a Message ...


And than, a bigger gift on V-day, Something Simple, ya know only been dating 3 weeks...nothing special, maybe a Diamond Ring..HAHA J/K router...having some fun here thats all.


I think if you wait until V-day It might pull her spirts down, so I would take it in the direction of the 14th-Flowers and the better surprise on V-day..whatever that is going to be, think about it.., she gets flowers on the 14th, and something even better on V-day, WOW i sure would feel special.

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i have to agree with s4ail i think its a pretty good idea, but i would go with a massive bunch of flowers, just like a single rose with a special message and then whatever it was you intended on giving her on valentines day 9if it was flowers anyway then thats great as well.


oh and a tip if you want to get her a massive bunch of flowers, go for wil or exotic, theres loads of flowers that she will have never seen before and they are so beutiful!


good luck and have a great day, despite it being a day late.



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