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where to ask her out

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Wait...are you asking her out somewhere on Valentine's Day or are you just taking her out on a date?


It depends on what your first date was. If it was like the movies, take a step further and take her to a nice dinner and romantic movie that SHE wants to see. Take a nice walk and get some ice cream.


Hope this helps!!!!!

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yea im asking her out for valentines day and the 1st date was at the movies.


Ive thought of the walk and ice-cream but i dont think it would be that enjoyable since its freezing outside lol. O ya and its supposed to be like a big surprise so that y i dont knw where to take her.


so if any1 has any more suggestions it would rlly help me out

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O I C...well thats pretty cute!! Anyway, yea don't do the movies again then. And sorry about the walk, I live in Arizona, so it's not really that cold here.


It's hard because I mean you're 16 (like me...well almost), so it's not like you're gonna do this extravagant thing ya know. Like I said, maybe dinner. I wouldn't go overboard. You're just asking her out, not to marry you ya know. But yea, girls do like good surprises. I say surprise her like go to her house with roses (perferably red because they mean love. And like take her to dinner or whatever and ask her.

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