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boyfriend question

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hey, well i just have a question. I was wondering if any of you think it's normal that my bf didn't buy me a x-mas/b-day present (x-mas and my birthday are around the same time) ...anyways i didn't even get a card...nothing! I bought him a really nice gift...that's what i do for ppl i care about...does this mean he doesn't care about me? Anyways i never thought it was that big a deal until my parents found out and got upset at the fact that he didn't get me anything...they said that even if it wouldn't have been something expensive ...it's the gesture that counts. I just don't know what to think...V-day is coming up, i know he's taking me out to a nice restaurant...and now i'm kinda hoping i get something. So basically i just want to know, is this normal that my bf didn't get me anything?

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I wouldn't put it under "normal" that he doesn't give you anything... Even if it's something he made, my girlfriend couldn't offord much for my birthday so she made me a small blanket... I love it, but it really is the thought that counts...


Talk to him and ask him why he didn't give you anything, just tell him that it upset you a little bit because you preceive it as a non-caring gesture...


I'm sure he's a good guy, maybe he's just poor liek me

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I just went through the same with my boyfriend. My birthday was Saturday and he didn't get me a gift either. Though he did give me a card, but it wasn't the kind of card that expected to get from the man that I have been dating for 10 months. His excuse for not getting me a gift was that he didn't have to time to drive 19 miles to town because he was busy with work last week. He gets off around 5 or 5:30. The Supercenter stays open 24-7. Needless to say, I was very disappointed. When it was his birthday, we had only been dating for 3 months and I bought him a DVD, a nice card, and a Dairy Queen ice cream cake. But that's just the way I am, I like to show people how I feel about them by doing those kinds of things. I'd like to just blame it on the fact that he is a man, but there are men out there who do remember to do nice things for the girlfriend's birthdays so I can't trash them all. To me though, I feel it was insensitive. My sister and all my friends tell me I should dump him, but I really care about him and want to give him another chance. We'll see how Valentine's Day goes!! You didn't say how long you 2 have been together. What was his reason for not getting you anything?

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we have been together almost 6 months so around x-mas it was like more than 4 months. We don't see each other very often because he lives far, but i go to see him every weekend...sleep over there. He was visiting his parents during the x-mas holidays in another country...so he wasn't here for x-mas or my birthday which like i said was around the same time. But when he came back i gave him the gift that i bought for him...like you said i like to buy things for ppl i care for. But he didn't even bring me back a card...i guess we're sorta in the same situation because my parents got upset from that...but i care for him and want to give him another chance. Hopefully V-day will go well!

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