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my girlfriend broke up with me two weeks ago and ive been doing the no contact thing for 10 days now then yesterday she left me a message about something we were going to do which i dont think im going ... and this is after i told her not to call me... but then she left me this message saying "see if i care, but your tearing my heart apart baby " what the heck does that mean??? what should i do and what does she mean?? or is she just crazy??/

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She's trying to reach out to you and maybe repair the damage and see if things will work out for you too. See, the thing is that you are pushing her away to save your heart and that is fine, but if you want her back then I would stop that reaction. You do not really need a no contact thing as she has made an attempt to contact you. Just keep the contact light and sweet and see where things go from there. Go and go with her and see if you can't work things out. But only do what yuo feel comfortable in doing and nothing more. If you really can't talk to her and so on, then tell her that you wish things were different, but right now at this junction in your life you need to heal from the breakup and then you will see if you can be friends.


Truthfully, sounds like she wants to attempt to get back together. If you want to get back together, then take things slow and repair the damage that caused the breakup and the damage from the breakup and see if things are better.



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If i has only be 2 weeks and she already attempting to make contact with you again, maybe the damage is not so big... I would also recommend that you make a quick contact with her to check if she testing you or realizing that she didn't really want to break up.

Give her a quick polite phone call and see what's up with her, if she is not sending some more signals that she wants to get back with you, then you can apply the no contact rule.

See what she wants first before telling her what you want.


Hope this helps.

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She's crazy and trying to mess you up. How was she in the relationship? The dominant one? They are the ones that don't like to be played, so she will do anything she can to regain control over you.


Can you 'bump into her' somewhere?.... you should monitor her reaction in real life. A telephone voice show 15% of the actual communication and is not enough to figure out what's going on. + don't ponder about what she said... girls never say what they mean in those stages.

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