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I have been going with this one guy for 4 months which whom i am in love with very much. He's 8 yrs older than me (he's 44) never been married or had children and just from everything ive learned and seen in this time with him, im scared he will never committ. He is still living at home with parents and owns a home thats just sitting empty.

I have been friends with another guy for about 2-1/2 months which my b/f knew this and this other guy is 41, and yes him to and never been married but he does have a 10 yr old son and lives in his home and is a very good guy, responsible. He wants to date me and he treats me very good, wants to spend time with me ALL the time. Im very confused because i love my b/f but dont know which one i should be with. I have never slept with the 2nd guy. Confused???

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I have experienced a similar situation, even though I am a lot younger... I've made the mistake of chosing the boy who didn't commit... But now that I look back I didn't pick the one who treated me better, he would have been the better pick...

Honestly, I would discuss with your current boyfriend, ask where he see's the relationship heading in the future... Also there is something weird about living at home at 44... I would go with the one who treats you best...

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Well he tells me things will be good in the future. That he will marry me within 2 yrs but he has lost his job of 24yrs a month ago. And he's looking for a job and when he gets one, if he doesn't move out of his parents..im done! I guess that will tell me the truth about him. I have been going with him for 4 months. I feel he is very, very self absorbed. I was married 12yrs and am not like that at all. I just dont understand how the heck i feel for this guy cause he's totally oppiste of my deceased husband. Maybe im experiencing low self esteem or something??

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I don't think that your experiencing low self esteem....

He say's that he will marry you in two years thats a lot of time. Is it possible that when 2yrs comes along, he still wont be ready...

If one person in a relationship is self absorbed, I think that makes the relationship much harder..

Also, 4 months of dating isn't that long of time, to really get to know someone, to consider for marriage...

But if your already doubting him, I would consider your second guy friend...

That's just my opinion...

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