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16 with a 24 year old

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i met a girl at a convention but only for about 20 minutes, we exchanged chat ID's and we chat all the time over the net as friends. but lately we started having feeling for each other. i have just turned 24 and she is 16 (17 this year)


now we can't stop talking to each other, we chat about 3 hours a day and she really nice. i have met her twice again, we allways have lots of fun together, we never get bored of each other and we really like each other alot.


i am not after a sexual relationship yet but i would love to take her out to places and have fun together such as the cinema. but her parents say shes to young and i'm not good enough even though i only met her dad for 5 minutes and never seen her mom. her dad thinks i'm a great guy but friendhsip only.


we are not allowed to see each other now, but when i talk to her by phone behind her parents back she gets really upset because she misses me alot and want to be with me and i feel the same way.


its making us both deppresed because we miss each other so much


btw i am from UK where 16 is legal.

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Well take your time...she is still 16 and I'm sure as much as she wants to be with you, there's going to be problems with the parents and make sure they can see that you're there for her.


It's weird because I met my ex when I was 23 and she was 16 at the time. Because of legal age, we waited til she was 18. It was long distance also so it made it a little easier and harder at the same time. Of course the mom didn't like the idea and she never really approved the relationship even afterwards. With the distance and her mom threatning not to pay for college any more, we decided to split...I miss her but it was the best thing for her.

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Sometimes in life, we tend to meet people who seem totally right at the totally wrong time. It's one big irony yeah?


What you can do now is to keep your options open. Try and see her as a buddy, a good friend. At 16, she is still very young in my opinion. If things really work out between the two of you, waiting a few more years won't do much damage.


In the meantime, try your best to get into the parent's good books. Be your best. At the same time, solidify the relationship you have with her.


All the best dude!

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I'm 24 and I've dated younger girls and let me tell you things can change and feelings can change esp when you are a teen. Treat it as a friendship and wait until she's of age. I've gotten crap from a lot of younger girls parents cuz they didn't approve of my age and it doesn't matter. Just be careful.

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The age gap seems a bit much to me, but if it works for both of you then it's ok...Excpet that at 16 she's still under her parent's guardianship (I assume, not familiar w/ the laws in UK), and if they forbid contact, which is probably going too extreme, I don't think you're helping things much by sneaking around and talking to her behind her parents' backs. I think that the other posts are generally correct, if her father thinks you're fine as a friend, than I'd keep it at that level at least until she is no longer legally under her parent's jurisdiction, and when that time comes, who knows, maybe you'll want to be on her parents' good side.

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