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Ex-Girlfriend pictures


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So my boyfriend recently bought a hard drive case for a bunch of drives he's had from years ago. I saw glimpses of naked photos that I'm 98% sure are his ex-girlfriends. I know he hasn't deleted them and probably doesn't plan to. I saw him creating passwords for their folders.


So I brought it up and he said he was looking for pictures of a trip he took and that he deleted the photos.

But I know he's only encrypted them.


So what do I do?

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From a guy's point of view, this isn't the same as having porn. Porn is just a picture of a naked woman, merely for visual stimulation. Nothing more.


Having a picture of an ex is entirely different because the image has meaning to it. That is, it ceases to just be about looking at female anatomy and about looking at a person who he has feelings for. The image becomes real.


I'd be pissed off too.

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I've got to disagree with Aevar. Largely because there's not really any single "male point of view."


Ex-gf photos don't necessarily hold any sentimental value; it depends on the girl, the picture, the relationship, the breakup, life since then, and all sorts of other factors. Maybe he's just uncomfortable sharing either his porn or particular parts of it. Maybe they're not even ex-gf pics.


Here's the thing. It's best to talk about it, but both of you have the right to, and should expect, a certain degree of privacy. Bear that in mind.

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I've got to disagree with Aevar. Largely because there's not really any single "male point of view."


Ex-gf photos don't necessarily hold any sentimental value; it depends on the girl, the picture, the relationship, the breakup, life since then, and all sorts of other factors. Maybe he's just uncomfortable sharing either his porn or particular parts of it. Maybe they're not even ex-gf pics.


Here's the thing. It's best to talk about it, but both of you have the right to, and should expect, a certain degree of privacy. Bear that in mind.


Well if they don't have any sentimental value then he shouldn't mind getting rid of them, right?


There are hundreds of free porn sights on the internet anyways.

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Well, this is a man-answer, but it's at least honest; because it might be a hot pic that he can't replace. Sure, there might be lots of porn available, but something about this pic or that pic causes us to hold onto certain things. So maybe it's just sexual sentimentality, if that makes sense.


To me, though, a more important matter is why it bothers you so much? I'd pick it up as a sign of insecurity if I were him, but I'm not average by any means.

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To me, though, a more important matter is why it bothers you so much? I'd pick it up as a sign of insecurity if I were him, but I'm not average by any means.


Have to agree you're not average by any means. I think that most, if not almost every single female would be upset if her bf was hiding a nudie pic of an ex. That's not insecurity- or maybe it is, but that is completely understandable.

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My ex husband has a folder with nude pictures of me - he still does. He says he wants to have a collection of my nude pictures. I doubt he'd ever get rid of them - MAYBE if he got remarried but even then I'm not sure. I know it's something no girl would be OK with - but then again, I can understand why people would want to keep those pictures no matter how wrong it is. I guess if they do (and I do have pics of him too) - they need to hide them better... Ooooh, I'm sure I made many of you angry with this post LOL.

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I am sorry they just have to go. I don't keep pictures of my ex fiance around, I think that nude pics from past relationships are just a no no. Nothing insecure about it, its the past and should stay there. no reason to bring the dirty pics to the now.


its just different morals people have. If that relationship and feelings are gone so should those pictures and there shouldn't be a problem with it.


My ex has pics of me and i just hope he did or has deleted him. I don't want him to have them. I don't know the thought that there was intimacy there, it would make me uncomfortable to know that my boyfriend still had old pics. its different with porn its non detached he does know those girls its just purely a tool to help things along. The other would be haunting I think. just my opinion. If you can handle that my hat off to ya!

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My ex husband has a folder with nude pictures of me - he still does. He says he wants to have a collection of my nude pictures. I doubt he'd ever get rid of them - MAYBE if he got remarried but even then I'm not sure. I know it's something no girl would be OK with - but then again, I can understand why people would want to keep those pictures no matter how wrong it is. I guess if they do (and I do have pics of him too) - they need to hide them better... Ooooh, I'm sure I made many of you angry with this post LOL.


Angry, no. Freaked out, yes. Why don't you make him delete them? yuck. He's your ex, he has no further rights to your body. -_-




NUDIES= NOT OKAAY. Tell him you'll stick a picture of your ex naked on the bedroom ceiling if he doesn't get rid of them, so you can look at your ex while you're making love to him. I'm sure that'd bother him

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Guys will be guys. Sounds like a headhunter. Serial killers tend to keep things from victims. I think it is a conquest thing. What does it matter what he does with them? He is with you not her. Everyone has a past and it is just that the past correct? Does he still have their numbers in his phone? Has he cheated? Is he a great guy other than the "possible nude pics possibly of an ex"? No penalty no foul. I think he just has some attachment to them whatever it may be and it doesn't seem to life shattering to me. But hey I am a guy and maybe I have pics of my ex's in the nude also. If women let men take them I think they are his. Not to display on the web or use for blackmail but they are his.

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