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**I have liked him forever...will anything happen?

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Well, there's this guy that I've liked for about 3 or 4 months. I seriously think about him 24/7 and want him to be mine so much! He's my friend, so thats why I don't know how it would turn out. I don't think he has A CLUE that I like him!! I flirt with him CONSTANTLY and I kinda feel like he flirts with me, but he could just be a big flirt with everyone or he's just being nice. We went on a "date" well thats what I think it was and my friends think so too. He asked me to the movies and he bought dinner and stuff and was always opening doors and offering to get me stuff.....it was soooo sweet!! And he didn't seem to want to leave. Some think that he likes me, but others think that he was just being nice and wanted to go somewhere. I really want something to happen though, but I don't wanna just come out and say ya know "I like you" and then get rejected. We're having a dance in March called MORP (opposite of Prom, so the girls ask the guys). I was thinkin of asking him, but I don't wanna wait that long for something to happen b/c I've been waiting forever. Ican't stop thinking about him and I get the biggest butterflys in my stomach when I talk to him, but I'm still able to talk to him and we talk all the time about EVERYTHING.


I dunno what to do. Do you think he likes me? Do you think I should tell him how I feel or just wait until the dance and wait it out? ANY IDEAS???

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Best guess, is that he does like you. However, he just probably did not work up enough courage to make it clear that he did on your "date." It's very difficult to flirt with anyone and not be attracted. Good flirting and good compliments require honesty and honest attraction. Empty flattery has the wording of the compliment, but not the meaning.


How can you know if he really likes you, without asking him?? Learn to read his body language. Do some research into body language on the web or read a book and you will learn the signs. Some are: smiles when there is eye contact; mirrors or matches your posture or position; mimics movements (an example: he looks at his watch, then she looks at hers); head tilts; turns body toward the person who has their interest; licks lips; a woman or a man thrusting their chest out; alert energetic posture, especially if it happens when you appear (does he sit up when he sees you, sneak up on him to find out); lowering of arms in front of body; removing glasses; touching themselves; caressing and object such as a glass; their hands never touch their face; feet are firmly on the floor; loosens any item of clothing (unconscious and preliminary to disrobing); steady and/or open hands; steady feet; head tilts farther as you talk; keeps eyes on you; puts anything in mouth; smiles broadly, genuinely and often; leans in toward you; allows or encourages body contact.


Learn to read and send body language.


How do you get another date before MORP? Simple, tell him you had fun when you had your last one. Then if he says he did too, tell him you'd like to do it again. (In a sense, you are telling him to ask you out again.)


When you go out with him again, work on sending him body language signals to make something happen. What do you want to happen? Well, if he held your hand or kissed you, that would be big wouldn't it. How do you get him to hold your hand? Make sure your hands touch, make contact with his hand, then pull yours away, then do it again. He will either pull his far away or allow more contact. When they make contact, increase the amount of time they are in contact. He should get the message to hold your hand, if nopt just let your hands continue to touch, open move your so your palm is in the opposite direction as his palm, and have your palms begin to touch.


Another suggestion, kiss him on the cheek, quickly with little pressure. He should receive a big message from that. Do this only immediately when meeting or leaving.


The kiss on the doorstep, when leaving on the date is usually just a matter of having your faces be in the same vicinty and your lips moving towards each other. Face him, stand closely, look in his eyes, tell him you enojy being with him, and watch it happen.


Hope this helps.

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let me start by saying welcome, and next by saying;


"Rejection is Better than Regret..."


Ok in your situation analyzing what you said about the dates he has taken your out on, and dinner, movies. etc..i think your in pretty good shape here with this guy, your only 15, but i know you feel much older, and I'm not knocking you for dating young, it's a good positive experience in most cases, and gives you some valuable lessons to learn while dating, so starting young like in your case is going to prepare you for future Boyfriends,..I'm glad to tell you that i think this guy has an interest in you, at least form what you said...i have determined that


let me ask does he do this with any other "Girl/Friends"


Or is it just yourself>?


next I'd like to mention what you said here.


I flirt with him CONSTANTLY and I kinda feel like he flirts with me


good plan of action keep that up, and make it aware...but don't show to much, nobody wants to come accross as being desperate, let me break it down for you by saying "Give a Little take a Little" those normal gives and takes that materialize are important while being friends with someone, and are undoubtedly crucial to have, and maintain once a relationships is built off a friendship, plus Trust.. communication...etc


If you feel like he likes you than i would ask him to this dance, DON'T wait...Even if the dance is 67 days away, ask A.S.A.P, think of it like this... [ Knock on Wood] He tells you one day That a girl asked him, and he accepted...it would crush you, right?


So Don't hesitate, or dwell over the very slim chance of being rejected, cause from what you said i don't think that would happen, this guy seems to much into you, the invitations, the things you do together, under the justification of friends, you have a good friend here, and i think you should let him know, or at least make an effort, To make that more noticeable.


Hope i helped, words are running short, keep me (us) posted!

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Thank you guys sooo much for the advice!! If anyone has anymore, I can use it!! But it seems like you are both pretty much sayin the same thing. For right now, I think I'm just gonna work on my flirting more and try to show him that I like him. My friend told me to always act like I like him when I'm around him and don't play hard to get, so thats what I'll do. My birthday is coming up (February 24!) and I will be having a party. Of course, he's at the very top of my list. So I'm gonna do as much as I can with him while he's over here and such. I will also do what you, Beec, said and watch the body language and give more, plus tell him I had fun on our last date and I would like to do that again. And S4il, I'm gonna do what you said and ask him to the dance soon because I know I'd really regret it if someone else asked him to the dance.


But I mean sometimes I can't tell if he's flirting with me or not. He can be kind of a flirtacious guy with all girls and someone was like I heard you went to the movies with Emily and he was like well I'd take anyone. But I still feel like he did WANT to go with me because otherwise he wouldn't have asked ya know? I dunno...I'll keep ya updated!!


Thanks again for the advice!!

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