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So, I found myself interested in someone else...just casually...but my goodness...it took alot to do just that. About a month ago, I went to see "him"....aka the love of my life...my soulmate...and the one I will neve forget...lol. Since the visit, "he" has been contacting me alot and being (dare I say) flirty. I haven't really responded to the flirty. I don't want to set myself up for the rejection again. I do know better than that, but I can't help the elation I have felt lately from him and I find myself thinking of only him day and night...once again. And as for the other guy....my casual distraction....I haven't bothered really contacting him in several weeks and have convinced myself that he wasn't really worth my time. I'm not quite sure what to think anymore. I don't know if I'm coming or going. I feel like throwing in the towel and washing my hands of the whole mess sometimes. Maybe I have been right all along when I tell everyone I was just meant to be single. Maybe I am becoming what I pretend to be....

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aww no this is so common....such a classic situation. dont beat yourself up over it.

its life, and yes theres always these unclear situations, these anxieties, these questions, these things called ex's whom we claim to be the loves of our lives that completely stir our lives around when they pop into them every now and again.


some background info- how long had it been since you two had contact, and why did you go off to see him? xxx

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