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question, how does wearing glasses affect taking pictures? ex. wearing them as opposed to not wearing them...


Shouldnt affect it but adjust your diopter on the camera if it has one, it will make things more in focus for you if you havent done so already.


EDIT: if they're big glasses then it might make it harder look into the viewfinder.

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Your cousins band....whats the bands name?

nice pictures!!


Thanks. The band is called link removed. They're pretty new and still learning the ropes. They're fairly unique in that they have a female lead singer which is a bit rare for heavy metal with growling vocals. Maybe I'll post some more pics of their gig later.


question, how does wearing glasses affect taking pictures? ex. wearing them as opposed to not wearing them...


Doesn't really affect the taking pictures part much, but as Bad Wolf said, if you're using an optical viewfinder (as opposed to looking at the LCD) then tuning the diopter can help things seem more in focus. It also makes seeing things in the viewfinder a bit more difficult sometimes.

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