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well i am 15 years old, and i think i might have a yeast infection. i get a lot of clear white-ish discharge, but see, it doesn't smell or itch, and it isn't red down there. it is just the discharge that bothers me, because it is a lot. it gets less around my period. i am really scared to go to my doctor because he's a creepy old man, and i only live with my dad, and i am not comfortable about that at all, so a doctor is out of the question. now, i looked at the yeast infection section at the drugmart, and i saw canesten, monistat 1, monistat 3, monistat 7, and a bunch of others. what is the difference? would it be safe even if it's not a yeast infection? what would happen? i am so clueless and i really hope someone could help me.

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It's safe even if it's not a yeast infection, yep.


More economical is the generic version of monistat 7 - it comes with 7 prefilled applicators, just use it at night for a week. If there's no other symptoms, and this clears it up, then you're right - though some white discharge can be normal. If any other symptoms develop though - make an appointment - you can always tell your mom now that you're older you'd be more at ease with a female for gyn checkups and she may well understand where you're coming from.

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when i started to begin my puberty i had alot of clear discharge and stuff. I thought that i was everything in the book. From what you wrote it sounds to me like its just normal girl thing. Most yeast infections are either a thick white or yellow discharge, and trust me it will ich like crazy. If their is no abnormal smell coming from down there i would not worry about it. These things happen to all girls and as you get older it will go away. I know it is really unconfortable right now but if you are that unconfratable about it maybe you should go see your doctor, and if your nor comterable with the doctor you have look up some others in the phone book or to your local health department. If you have any other questions feel free to e-mail me Im an 18 year old female so hopefully i can relate to what your going through. email removed

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