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Social interpretation, please.

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I really did not know where to put this so i put it here. I have been told by over four people that they feel "safe" or that they feel "relaxed" around me. I was kind of wandering what they mean by that exactly. A recent example, this one girl that I eat lunch with told me that she feels so comfortable, relaxed and safe around me. I was going to ask her but I felt a bit award asking it. I can't think why they would feel that way around me, and only me. I mean I have observed that around others she is very uneasy. Kind of gets that frightened, auctions, tense look about her. Many times when we first start eating lunch, or the first part of our study hall, she will be quiet and isolated but after a few minuets with me she loosens up and is very chatty and happy. I was just wandering what this means, I would ask her but I would be putting her on the spot. I don't know and I don't want to jump to conclusions. So that is why I am asking you. Any advice will be appreciated.

Thank you.

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I think it's a big compliment.


Let me make a few guesses about you:


1) You feel at ease with yourself

2) You like yourself

3) You are an optimist

4) You can be trusted with a secret


If all of those are true, then I guess you can now see why someone would feel at ease around you.

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