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friends making fun of me cause I like Corey Feldman

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i am really upset-my friends are kind of making fun of me cause i like Corey Feldman. yeah, he went thorough some drug problems. SO WHAT!!?? i mean, it's not like he is now living with absolutely no money, in the streets, shooting up every 5 minutes! he is a now averagely weathly man who is living in California, married and has a better life then he did before. (he'd be doin a lot better wit me! heehee) somebody help me. i've not slept for more than 3 hours a night, thinking about what they're goin to say to me the next day. please help me!!!

love sends her wishes,


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First off, make sure that they aren't joking with you in a good-humor type of way. For example, once when I was with a bunch of friends of mine I said something random like, "I wanna be a make escort I think..." and they totally made fun of me for a few days about that but they were just joking around and I found it all pretty humorous. They weren't saying those things to put me down, but just to make me laugh at the situation. Make sure it isn't that going on with you, it very well could be. And if it is, but they are taking it too far, you could always say something. I actually have been in that situation before (where they were just joking with me but took it a little far), and it works sometimes to say something in a serious tone.


Second, don't listen to them, honestly. Everyone can like anyone they want to in this country. Hey, I have a crush on that chick from Murder She Wrote. Now THAT's bad! (hehe just kidding). But honestly, try to relax and if you need any more help on the subject I am around. You can always e-mail me or I will check this topic every now and then. Take care.



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Hi there,


Well, I guess you shouldn't be so upset about the teasings. I usually do that too, just to make my friends laugh. Don't take it too seriously but if they take it too far, maybe you should


1. tell them how you feel.


2. Totally ignore them. The joke will wear off soon.


I hope this has helped you. Good luck.

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Sorry. I notice that i have typed


2. Totally ignore them. The joke will wear off soon.


It's supposed to be:


2. Ignore them when they joke about it. The joke will wear off soon. Usually this teasing happens because they want you ro be irritated but if you don't give them that respond, they'll be bored and forget about it.

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