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i can't stand it anymore

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u may think that this is something that goes on a lot between sisters but i bet u don't think it would get this bad............. me and my sister can't stand eachother........... we get in fights everyday....... fist fights............she always calls me names and makes fun of me in front of her friends...... and i hate it cause she trys to make her self look better by lieing........last fight we got into i got a bloody nose and she got a really bad scrach on her face............... i can't stand it...........i am 17 years old and she is 22..................... she has put my parents though hell and she still lives with us..........i can't wait to move out because of her......... does anyone know what i can do maybe so we have a better relationship or something i can do.................my parents tell us they r goin to call the cops on us next time we touch eachother about a year ago she slamed me head on are corner of our couch and i was in the hopital for 2 days with a concution........i told them i fell........HELP!!!!!

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Is it possible to ignore her? I mean, leave the room whenever she comes, don't speak to her unless she asks a question? Don't respond unless it is a valid question? Is that possible?


It seems as if she is unhappy and she's dragging you down with her.


I had brothers like this... they would hit on my girlfriends, they would be crude and say, "Can I screw your girlfriend?". It gets worse, but basically, unless they raise their standards on behaviour, I don't hang out with them or speak with them. Basic courtesy is expected. If someone can't do that, even if it is family, it's not your job to fix their problems.

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