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My exgirlfriend is playing games with me, well I started it, I left the state and didnt contact her for 2 months, she called me I never called her back, when I came back to her state, I started to call her because I learned that I luv her, anyways to make a story short, she tells me she has gotten back with her ex. The main reason for this is because she was hurt and needed someone to rebound too that is understandable too.


Then we go out on two dinner friend dates she seems thats she really likes me, and tells me that with time she will forgive me and take me back, that she needs time to break up with her ex. She tells me that she wants to take me to a concert soon, that she cares for me and that she really likes me.


I tell her look I dont want to play games, but deep down I know that she is getting revenge on me for what I did to her, she is giving me a taste of my own medicine, which is very understandable and I admire.


Sunday she calls me, then says she will call again, she doesnt. Then I decide to do the no contact rule, I do it, go through the pain, then on Wednesday night she calls and is like why havnt you called me, I tell her you were supposed to call me, she says she has to go and will call me after 9pm so we can discuss some important stuff, 9pm rolls up she never calls me, I will not call unless she calls me because she told me she will call.


I understand she is playing games, well she is 18 she has a reason too, im 25 , I really do luv her, I know I have to move on, but deep down it was me who messed up not her, she is just taking revenge.


Does anyone see this as healty, maybe I should let her play these games with me until she sees that she has done enough to hurt me, well all these experiences has taught me so much, I will never hurt another girl again.


I have met a new girl who is older and more mature, she is great, but I still miss my ex and the wonderful times that we shared, we went through a lot of things together and made things work out with us.


Right now she is in pain for making her go through her being alone during the Christmas Holidays, I didnt calll her christmas, or new years, I just lost all contact because I was somewhere else having fun, so anyone what do you think in my situation.


I think I should let her do her thing, and if she really cares for me and really wants me back she will call me and make the effort, does anyone think its a good idea for me to go back to her, I want her back again.


Please give me your opinions anyone, I will continue the no contact rule until she calls me and keep playing along, and not show any emotions.



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