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hi, my ex and i broke up after 6 years. I ended the relationship becasue i was bored, depressed (so was he, he suffers from it), and wondering what else was out there. I found someone else and my boyfriend and i ended the relationship with my boyfriend after a fight. I immediately fell into the arms of my new man and was fine for about a month, until i started hearing about my ex and his new lover. They were going on trips and doing drugs. This upset me!!! I would call my ex..which would confuse me about what i wanted. All my friends said dont talk to him!!! So i didnt for another month..then i text messaged him and we started talking that way...well i got sucked back in and almost slept with him. I DIDNT. out of guilt for my new boyfriend. i called my ex the next day and asked him what would have happened if we had made love and he said " i wasnt going to talk to you" which i dont believe. I am fine when i am around my new boyfriend, but a few days after i dont see him, because he lives 50 miles away, i start to think about my ex. I recently heard my ex and his new love had a falling out (they arent broken up) i wanted to so bad to call him and talk, but i didnt. I fell like liz taylor and richard burton who have had this relationship that goes on for years and have been married like 12 times. I love my new boyfriend, but just not the same way i feel about the ex after 6 years. My ex says the same about his new love. Well bottom line i asked him back like 2 weeks ago and he said no. he said "i need to see if there is something else out there that makes me happy, besides you". I must admit it feels good to hear that him and his love have had a falling out and my new boyfriend and i havent. But it seems like i cant let go. Oh, i know i shouldnt already have a new boyfriend and i rushed it, but you gotta live and do what makes you happy. So if you can piece this together and get back to me that would be great, cause i cant figure it out!!!

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