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Hey bud,


I'm on the same mission here.


Here's the real information straight up. You have a 6-pack already... you just gotta get to it.


It's all about body fat. If you have enough body fat your 6 pack won't show, but if you lower your body fat it will be there, even if you never do a single sit up or stomach exercise AT ALL.


Of course, doing sit ups and ab routines will definitely help. Your abs will have better definition and pop out more so that even if your body fat is a little higher they will still show through.


Don't bother with ANY of that crap they try to sell on TV. It's all junk. Some of it may work, but no better than regular stomach stuff you can do for free. So don't throw your money away.


You can find a lot of information on the net about stomach work outs that you can do from home. As for the body fat, just make a few dietary changes and add some cardio and you'll be on your way.


Best bet is to cut out the sugar drinks, avoid snacking after dinner and drink lots and lots of water.


I've only been trying to cut my stomach fat for about a month now and even without going hardcore I'm losing it. Maybe another month or two and I'll hopefully be rockin the 6-pack.


Best of luck to ya

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i dont think just doing nothing you'll have a six pack, otherwise really skinny people would have..and i'm not talking skinny-fat, i'm talking creepishly low body fat.

i think if you do exercises that work your core, aka squats, deadlifts or any strength training exercise for that matter, you don't need to do a million crunches and get some ab definition after lowering body fat.

but just lowering your body fat is not enough if you don't do any type of strength training exercise..


point being, diet #1, strength training # 2

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Yeah heavy lifts, dead lifts squats work your core really well.. Just drink water cut out as much sugar and sodium from you diet as possible. Sodium makes you appear bloated. Eating healthy is important too. Try carb loading, eating you healthy carbs at the beginning of the day and ween off of them as the day goes on, avoid sleeping after eating a meal. Cardio when you wake up or after a workout are the best times to run because your body is depleted. I dont even bother with situps or anything like that. Eating small healthy meals is important 5-7 meals a day. The only kinda ab work I do is 4 sets to burn out on the captains chair thats it.

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What I do when I do abs is I imagine myself on a medieval torture device. You've gotta pull and compress your core to the absolute limit. Make it hurt. Don't do a million rhythmic up-down crunches. That'll get you no where. Compress enough so your lungs are squished and you can't breathe.


Best 3 ab exercises IMO are 1) jack-knives (leg lifts but you also raise your upper half too so your body makes a parabola...your core should be holding all your weight and the only thing touching the ground), 2) crunches on a ball where you can make a reflex angle and lean backwards instead of just stopping parallel to the ground, and 3) planks - do them in 3-6 minute sets.


Also exercise your back a lot...remember, your back is the backside of your abs.

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