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Is something wrong with me?

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I have no luck with women you see. The thing is lately I have been getting some joy by hurting women(teenage girls I mean, the conceited ones only I might add). Nothing extreme.


Take for example when I have to shake they're hand, I'd squeeze extra hard so they get a startled look on their face and/or a small moan of pain from them. Or never get out of their way when they see me coming and all just barge through them and bump them with my shoulders. Or walking back and "accidentally" stomping on their feet. I once even tripped a stuck up cow down a flight of stairs(only like 4 steps) and she was nearly in tears... this made me feel excited.


I'm constantly trying to think of ways to hurt them while making it all look accidental. The way I see it, these hot conceited girls have everything going for them, and if I could just cause them some pain.... well it feels good! Is something wrong with me? My friend seems to think so. I fear that if I were to get very drunk on a Saturday night and I'm left to my own devices I could bash a girl. What should I do? I mean what I'm doing now is nothing MAJOR, but if I continue down this path it may get me into trouble with the boys in blue.


The way it is, these girls treat you like dirt, then why shouldn't I hurt them? Balance out the scales you see. Just don't want to get into trouble with the law.

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yes,you definitely have alot of issues with women and you seem to be very bitter.i have met people that feel the same way you do,some male and some female,but you see all you are doing is generalising.you havent even met half the women in the world so you can only really talk about the ones you have.


I think it is strange of you to actually want to hurt ''hot'' women aswell.what drives you to this?have they done anything to you? you may very well cause them physical pain if you trip them up or stand on their toes or whatever you like to do,but that will only hurt them for a minute or two.what you have done will stick in your mind and only cause you to carry on feeling angry and resentful.


Believe me you will hurt nobody but yourself if you continue to brand these women in the way that you do,its not going to hurt them,it will hurt and destroy YOU.


why do you feel this way?


i hope i havent caused offence.i just think you really need to work on these women hating issues you seem to have.(half the population are women after all).


i wish you luck

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Hey dude


Your thoughts are very scary and distorted. I really suggest you seek professional counseling as soon as possible. Before this gets out of hand. You have some issues that need attention as soon as possible. If you act on your thoughts you will be spending the rest of your life in prison.



Please talk to someone



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The thing is, you're making presumptions about girls from their appearance since you don't know them - and then you're acting on those assumptions not only to protect yourself, but to cause them physical pain. Now, yes, everyone has felt some degree of pleasure on occasion when someone they know who has hurt them or someone close to them, or has a rep as a criminal, has finally "got theirs" so to speak. You're going beyond that though by intentionally physically hurting complete strangers and deriving excitement and pleasure from it. You're right to be concerned, please talk to a pro about this and see if they have any suggestions for healthier ways to channel that anger and drive - before it gets you in trouble with not only the law, but with people in general. This isn't a reputation you want for yourself socially either, it could REALLY make you not only an outcast, but vilified, and I doubt that's how you'd like to go through life.

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Well the best solution to Saturday night is to not drink at all. I am not against drinking, but if you can't drink and control yourself then you have more than a woman hating issue. I don't want to cause offense either, but what you are doing is wrong. If you had a daughter or sister or even your mother and someone was treating them like this how would you feel. Just avoid these girls, and don't get near them in anyway. I hope you start to change your frame of thought about women because we are not all like that. Plus when you are young you may act totally different than when you get thrown into the real world as an adult.

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Well, I don't think that there is anything wrong with you. I think that it is just from your lack of 'joy' from girls. These girls are easy to hate or hurt because they hate and hurt others without thought.


I would try to focus my attention on other things that make me a better person and a happier person.


But I would definitely say that there is nothing wrong with you. You just want some attention, right?



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Thanks people, you gave me something to think about. Especially The Morrigan, No I wouldn't want to be anymore of an outcast and vilified.


BuffaloSoldier, just want to clear something up though. You said I seem to have a hatred for "hot" girls. It's more or less I should say "conceited" girls. The reason I say hot is because most hot girls I know ARE conceited. It's TEENAGE girls that are mostly like this too.


Another point I just wanted to add, I don't want to harm complete strangers just by the way they look. As The Morrigan said. I have talked to sooooooooo many of these girls and the majority are conceited. They look at you like you're some turd they stepped on the night before. These are the ones that drive me up the wall. The ones that look at you like your some sort of friggen' extra terrestrial. Thanks again folks, gave me something to dwell on.

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