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'acting out'


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i'm dating a girl who was abused, molested, raped, and all those things that make me almost ashamed to be man. i've dated girls like her in the past and they all seem like they have the same problems. i'm trying to research and further understand it... is there a simple answer to why women who were abused 'act out'?

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Does she see a counselor? She really should if she doesn't... because honestly it would be hard for you to help her on your own.


You can let her know that you aren't that same type of guy. That you honestly care about her feelings and in no way would you "use" her.


But mentally it is going to take a lot of work on her part. Being abused and raped.... she has lost who she is as a person. And it will be hard for her to find that person again.

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Because, thats what she was 'conditioned' to think...to be.


Seriously, read up on abused victims. Girls as young as 5, who've been sexually abused...will LOOK for another abuser to do this to them, bc thats what they've been conditioned to feel in order to be 'loved' and treated special.


I've had to take classes on this very subject. It's sad...very, very sad.


Not all will do this of course, but there are some who will...

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Craving sex may be that she's craving those moments of ''feeling loved and wanted''.

Acting out might be pushing you away, or keeping you at emotional arms length.

Communication is the best way to get closer to her, talk deep for hours at night. Always make sure she knows you love her, no matter what.

And yes mb suggest counselling, even offer to go with her?

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She probably craves the attention that sex gives her. Maybe thats the way she was showed how to love. She probably thinks thats the only way to please a man. You have to show her that its not all about sex, just love her. Turn sex down every now and then and just cuddle.


She should really be in counseling, it helps alot. Let her know that she was the victim here and not all men are out to get into her pants.

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