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What is Ugly?(Women)

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Personally, I do not judge people by their appearances, but from what I gather a lot of people do. I'm not sure if there is one particular physical thing that a woman would find ugly on a man...I happen to dislike tattoos and piercings, so that's about my one thing. Then again, if the guy was missing his ears and had only 2 teeth, I strongly doubt he'd be seen as a "stud". But this guy could have an amazing personality and that's why we should all take the time to get to know one another, despite how attractive that person seems. In my opinion, "ugly" would be a terrible personality...A cocky, rude, insensitive, boring guy! No matter how "hot" he was, there's no way I'd go out with him...See where I'm going with this? Stop focusing on the phsyical aspect of a person, because in the end it doesn't matter. When you're 80 years old and as wrinkled as a prune, you'll appreciate it if your husband/wife can still make you smile.




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You seem to make live in a world of make believe.

I would say about 10% of girls out there think like you(And i respect you for that)

But in the real world,there are common attributes of a man that girls do find unatractive.The majorty of girls out there do not have the same kind,happy mind set of "Getting to know ones personality" Like you do.

I have all to often been in the middle of that.

So you say you dont like Pierceings,tattoes.Thats fair enough.

Any more?

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Well, I'm the same, I go for the personality rather than the looks. It doesn't matter what they look like if they have a great personality.

And I agree with Cherrylicious about not being attracted to a gorgeous guy with a horrible personality. Sadly enough, it seems a lot of people are shallow when it comes to this thing and only go for the looks.

I guess I could put some things down I don't find particularly attractive.

Someone who's either grossly overweight or underweight. Think Gollum-type body and the fattest person who's ever lived in the Guinness World Records book. LOL

Bat ears.

Big/crooked nose. Though I have to admit I've fallen for a guy who does have sort of a big and crooked nose, and wouldn't normally be seen as attractive. ^^;

Someone with massive, flared out nostrils.

Bad teeth. As in really crooked with loads of plaque and stuff.. >

Hygiene is important. Dirty nails, teeth and ears and stuff aren't nice. And neither is bad breath! I once knew a guy who had really horrible breath, it was like.. what crawled into your mouth and DIED under your tongue?! It's easy to say that about him because he was also a nasty person who talked about friends behind their backs and he stalked me and harassed my best friend. T_T


I hope some of that helps because I can't think of anything else that isn't too attractive.

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I'm only doing what you wanted us to do in reply to your post. I never said I based any of this on who I chose as a boyfriend or anything, if you actually read all of what I put. And I know for sure I am not in some kind of boy band stage, like I said I go for personality.


If you don't want people to say what they don't like, why did you make a post asking what we don't like? It doesn't make sense to me.

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What makes glasses (even the very thin and stylish ones) so unattractive to women when they see men wearing them?


I HAVE the personality, but when I talk with women, it's like they treat me as some second-class citizen. I grew up in the 80s and early 90s when the whole television "nerd" image was on the rise (think Revenge Of The Nerds, Steve Urkel on Family Matters, e.t.c.) and sometimes I think that young women in my low-income city are so influenced by what they see on TV that they carry this undesirable image of a guy with glasses with them from middle school to college. I'm getting contacts soon, but I can't help but wonder why it's been such a struggle to find women who don't mind if a guy wears glasses.


Any suggestions? Thanks

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Music is the Key - Thank you and I'm sorry about that, but it just seemed like you were having a go at me, there.


Bboyartist - Personally, I don't have anything against men with glasses. Some glasses make the guy look even better, sometimes. Especially if it suits them. Are you sure the glasses are the reason why? Sounds kind of stupid to refuse a date over something as petty as that.

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The fact you're been refused or rejected by girls is nothing to do with glasses,trust me.

I know quite a few geeky looking dudes that go out with what most men would describe as "hot chicks"

Try making em laugh,changing your dress sense(cuz thats a big issue for girls)try to look smart.

If you dont wanna do any of that(Which is understandable) then you have no choice but to wait and be patient until you meet that special person.

(Which you may never meet!)

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Personally - the big deal for me is hygiene, that and looking plain slovenly.


Another huge turn-OFF for me is guys who look TOO smooth - tons of hair gel, the "trendiest" clothes, posing.


The first shows they don't care enough about themselves to take the time for just common cleanliness or putting on something that doesn't look like it was ready for the rag bag before I was born.


The second, that I dunno who this guy REALLY is - because he's so intent on making an impression I'll never be able to trust him to stick to what he himself really likes.


Apart from that, it's personality; appearance wise, none of the guys I've found attractive have had anything in common.

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You get someone who looks like all they care about is what other people think, painfully trendy - you gotta wonder what his real tastes are and who the real "him" is. Goes for girls as well. You've seen the type - the ones who make their labels show, bring up trendy places/hangouts in a conversation even if it doesn't fit, like desperately trying to prove they're cool - and I hate that, because I'm left wondering if they're that easily swayed to what people think - if he has an opinion that differs from yours - will he stand up for his tastes and thoughts or always bow to yours?

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Someone who's either grossly overweight or underweight. Think Gollum-type body and the fattest person who's ever lived in the Guinness World Records book. LOL

Bat ears.

Big/crooked nose. Though I have to admit I've fallen for a guy who does have sort of a big and crooked nose, and wouldn't normally be seen as attractive. ^^;

Someone with massive, flared out nostrils.

Bad teeth. As in really crooked with loads of plaque and stuff.. >

Hygiene is important. Dirty nails, teeth and ears and stuff aren't nice.


Finally a chick who tells the truth. 8)

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no your not out of the running, why would that be? i mean you asked for a physical aspect that i looked for, so that you didnt say i was a typical woman avoiding the subject i told you a body part.


its not something that bothers me too much, and besides if it doesnt bother them then thats ok, if they want to change it then thats ok, i wouldnt want someone to change something for me, and thereforeeee i would like a person not just becuase of physical aspects.


(like i said you didnt ask for that, i answered, and well sorry if i hurt your feelings)



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