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When did you loose your virginity? what's your story?

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when did you loose your virginity? where?

details of your first night.

well mine wasnt that especial because i was 15 and not ready, my exboyfriend was 18 and he pressure me to have sex with him, i didnt want to, i had to and after the horrible pain he said he didnt love me.

well what ever, im 20 now and i have a fiance he is been with me for 3 years and for me he is the first because he teach me love, he makes feel especial and pretty.

well whats your story? \

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hey...well my first time was when i was 15...he wasnt my boyfriend, and he never was...i was drunk and so was he....and yes i do sometimes regret it, but he was never mean to me or anything, after or before it happened, we were totally cool friends, but then i moved and then he moved so it was kinda diffucult for us to see each other, but i never even got to say goodbye to him...it kinda sux...but hey thats life..and i learned to move on....lets hear your story... bye!

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>>>when did you loose your virginity?

I was 19


On a boat on a lake

>>details of your first night.

We were drinking and this girl was just all over me all night. If I just would have sat there I would have lost my virginity because she was so horny


I'm glad you shared your story. I also deeply regret losing my virginity to somone I didn't love. For a long time, I just had sex with people, I didn't know how to make love.


I think it's very important to love someone prior to having sex. I cannot emphasize that enough.

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you are very right, i regret it but i can rely on that everytime i think about it becuase i was really young, now im really happy and wow i learned a lot, everything its great especially when everthing is done with love.

well other people do it just for pleasure i have nothing against that either.

more stories. sorry jajajja

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yea i know!...i have a boyfriend now, hes my first real boyfriend and i sooo wish i could have waited and lost my virginity to him, someone i really love....and not when i was 15, and dumb...the sad thing is i didnt even care that i lost it to him, at the time i mean....i thought i was so cool cuz i wasnt a virgin anymore..ugh...i wish i took it more serioiusly, we used a condom and everything but wut if i had gotten pregnant..i guess u never realize how bad things r until u look bak on them...

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I was 16, and it was in my bf's car which was parked on a lot that my aunt owned. I do regret losing my virginity to him because he is a complete loser, but at the time I was in love with him. I am dating this other guy now, and I am totally in love with him. We have wonderful sex, and he really knows how to make love to me. I love him so much, and hope we stay together forever.

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how do u do that? stay in love together forever? i love my bf so much and i seriously cant think about living with out him...i see him everyday in classes n stuff...and we say were ognan get married and i hoep we do i mena there is no other person in this world that i would rather spend the rest of my life with....but im just so scared about losing him...god i hope i never loose him....and inclusivly sometimes i let him get his way when i dont necesarily agree but i do it just becasue i cant stand the thought of him breaking up with me....is that bad?

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thats teh horrible thing...hes my firts boyfriend so ive never been broken hearted!! and i really really dont want to find out wut it feels like!! when we get into a simple argument i spend the rest of the night crying!! i cant imagine how it will be if we break up....but when i think logically im like..." is this really gonna last?" and it really seems too good to be true!!...i hope it really does last!!!! lets hope that some powerful force will keep us all together....love is a beautiful thing isnt it ladies?

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its hard and the pain is horrible being heartbroken but youll grow out of it and eventually find someone else better, thats what happened to me i had to give my virginity and he was a mean person, thank god i found my boyfriend he save me from eventually taking my own life i love my boyfriend to death he does love me too, he gets really sad when he has to travel we are planning to get marry as soon as we buy our own house. he is everything to me, thanks guys for shearing your stories

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Ugh! I lost mine when I was 14 to a girl that "got around" a lot.


It was in a house that we kind of broke into that she was house sitting for. On some strangers couch while a dog was right there barking and staring at us and someone pounding on the door. So bad!!


But it seems to me that guys really don't care about the first time being "special"? Any thoughts on that? I just wanted to do it before my cousin and brothers. We actually had a bet (I won). Man, what a bunch of dirty bastages we were.


I was a bad boy and have been ever since!!


But I'm very passionate and loving and old enough now to know better!!


Now it's only for love!


Strap it or lose it fellas!! lol!

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Well I guess I am one of the lucky ones I lost my virginity to the man/boy i loved. I was 17 and he was 18 and we did it the night we graduated from highschool it was amazing....apart from the pain factor. It bought us closer and made us more in love. Sex with him was always very very speical. I wish you guys could have experienced it the way i did. But hopefully now you are with people you love and that love you back and you can experience the art of making love as it should be done. I am currently not with anyone and havent been since my first love but I know that I wouldnt sleep with anyone unless I was in love and unless they were in love with me. Lots of my friends think thats ridiculous but to me sex isnt a game or something to be mucked around with. there are too many concequences of what could happen and if those things do happen you need to be with someone who you love so they can help you though it.

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