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how do i just be friends?


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Well, i posted recently, and today my girlfriend made it clear that we are over, i did some stupid things, and i broke up with her on friday, asked for her back and she said we are over, and she wants to be friends but not get back together anytime soon cuz i hurt her and i did stupid things.. she said maybe in the future again


i talked to her tonight and she started to cry and told me she still loved me so much and missed me and wished she was with me to hold me and blah blah....


question is how do i just be friends iwth her.. i mean i can invite her over to watch a movie but how do i just sit there knowing i love her and she loves me... i want her back thats wh im asking... i know i need to give it time but how do i just be friends... i mean it hurts so much and i just want to hold her but what is best route to not f'ing this up... ?


also, with the no contact thing, do you think no contact would piss some girls off TOO much or will they just keep wondering what ur doing?


also what is LC stand for

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