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well another brain buster!


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okay so i finally got over my ex right. well it turns out i have feelings for one of his best friends and my ex it totally okay with that, he really is or he would say so trust me i have known him forever. okay well the thing is that my ex's friend (i'll just call him joe) has been dating a girl who is one of my best friends for about 2 1/2 months now, well the other day she cheated on him and to me honesty is the most important part in a relationship and i just want to smack her because joe is a very good friend of mine. well my ex is trying to get joe to pull his head out and dump her. well she found a note that joe was going to give her and it said all this like i can't trust you and everything. well so i don't think that they will be dating much longer. well while they were dating (she is so freaking young she is 14) she wanted me to take him to the school dance because she is too young and her father wont let her go. well i really like him and he used to like me a bit before my ex asked me to date him, well he is the sweetest guy, and i still want to take him to that dance, only thing is im worried he wont want to go with me because i just got out of a relationship 3 months ago with my ex who is his buddy. but my ex is telling me to ask him and he is all like go for it just ask him. so do you think that i should? i really like Joe a lot. im confused. and oh yeah it is on march 5th so i have a while to ask him and he should feel a little better by then so anyway it is a girls ask the guys dance so it will be my job, and we have to come up with a creative and fun or funny, whatever, way to ask, does anyone have any ideas. maybe i could use packers stuff to do it, because he loves them, only we have to come up with a cute little phrase with whatever we give them involved in how we asked them.

do you know what i mean?

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Well I just wanted to say congratualtions on finally being able to move on. Go for it girl because I mean the worst thing that could happen is he would say no. My bf that I am with now lost a lot of his friends because of me. I dated one of his friends (he was a psycho), and all the guys hated me after we were said and done except for my bf now. We had hidden feelings for each other for a long time, and finally we hooked up. I know he wishes that things were not like that, and he feels that he screwed up, but what can I do or say. The only reason they hate me is because they are all immature little nothings. When we broke up my bf friend was so happy because he didn't have to pick sides and stuff like that. Then we got back together. His friend doesn't know that yet though. My point is his friend should not have to choose sides. He should grow up, and stick to neutral grounds. They make me feel like the cheapest most trashies B**** in the world, and all I did was get out of an abusive relationship. They made it feel like it was my fault. Now my point to telling you all this is that guys are funny about their friends (at least around here they are) so don't be hurt if he says no. You also don't need your ex's permission to ask him out or anything. That is really none of his business. I don't know any cute lines of asking him out and stuff so I can't help you there. I hope things work out for you, and good luck. Sorry if I didn't help.

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Well I am glad that you are over your ex. Hope that you are not just saying that just to say. I hope that you really do have feelings for the new boy and that he not just some sort of rebound guy for you to get over your ex. To be honest with you. I am not a big fan of people dating within the inner circle of friends. But do you know what? All it matters is that what makes you happy. If you really like this guy then go for it. You are still young and you should experience all sort of things. If your ex says is cool not like you are asking his permission to ask this guy out or not? But anyway don't think too hard. I know that is difficult. You said the dance is on March 5th. So you do have little time before then. Talk to you and get to know better. You said that you guys are friends already then just starting getting a little closer to him. However, he needs to realize that the girl that he is dating right now is not for him and she cheating on him before. Don't try to break them up and like you said they will break up on their own. Just try to take easy and go with the flow. I really hope this new guy can make you happy. I am excited to hear that you are over your ex and that you are moving on now. But remember one thing you don't want be rebound girl for this new guy and he doesn't want to be your rebound guy. You ask if there is anything cute stuff you can say to him. Just be yourself and ask him straight out. Like the previous post, what is the worse he could say, "NO". Yes, your feelings might be a little bit hurt. Plus is not the end of the world. Like I told you before you will experience more dramatic and painful journey about love. Let me know if you need anything else.





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hey qt...ok well ok first things first...YES ask him out to the dance....TOTALLY! u have no reason not to....my boyfriend alawyas tells me to never regret and to ALWAYS take chances...always..even if they dont work out u knwo u gave it a shot...wut if this guy ends up to be your husband...ok i may be going to an extent but wut if he does..and wut if u guys end up being the cuttest cuple EVER....but if u dont take that risk you´ll never know will you!?...and if he ends up saying no...well DONT WORRY....we ALL make mistakes...ALL OF US...and i think mistakes are GREAT, theyre what makes us, US. we learn from our mistakes right? say u dont knwo wut fire is..u see it and u like it and u put your hand in it and u get burnt, next time u see fire u´ll know that its a pretty thing but only for seeing not for touching because u know u got burnt...do u get wut im saying??....so definatley ASK HIM!


hmm...if you do decide to ask him, which i think u should, dont ask him in a public place...just incase he says no, im just avoiding you some embarrasment....that is if he says no..just to be safe i would ask him in private....ok so u have to do a cute way....hmm....if he has a locker, stick a flower in the locker attached with a note that says " turn around" u should be watching him while he goes to his locker and when he reads the note he´ll turn around u´ll be standing there and then say to him ¨joe..will u like to go to teh dance with me?"...if he doenst have a locker do the saym thing but in his notebook or on his desk that says "look to the door" or osmething like that....that seems cute to me...ok bye hope i helped!!

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Hey, it's great to hear you sounding so much more positive and looking forward now!


By all means, ask him - you've got a little time to spare to think about how, but you guys are already friendly, so whatever you feel would suit the way the two of you interact - go for it. How you feel comfortable doing it is totally up to you - but don't regret never asking the boy or you'll never know what he'd have said, right?

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