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I hope this is the right forum to post this in. So I'm interested in this girl but I feel that I have missed the train so to speak. I'm very shy and I have had three perfect opportunities to say "Hi" but I shut down and said and did nothing. This has been going on since Nov. We have looked at eachother a few times. What should I do? Should I just give up? Help please! [/b]

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Ok, here it goes, what you have to do here is real complicated.... Walk up to her and say "Hi! how are you?" with a smile. Don't approach her during the night though or in a alleyway. It's hard when your a shy dude and she's a pretty girl. But unfortunately there is no easy way around this, you have to break out of your shell. If she smiles and says hello back, that's good, keep the small talk going. If she appears disinterested, doesn't look at you and mumbles something don't take it personally. She's obviously a bitchy kinda girl, one you don't want around anyway. If it doesn't work out with this girl move onto the next one until you get a great rapport going with one of the girls.... If you need some more help just feel free to ask.

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