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he hasn't called- don't understand

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I've been dating this guy over a month now. Things seemed to be gong well. He travels quite a bit, so we don't see each other often. i know he's looking to get married- he hasn't hid the fact from me- he's 39 yrs old. i'm 26 yrs. old. I know he's dated a lot in the community, b/c he is not going to settle for just anyone (he's a public figure.) Last time we talked was last week and he said he would call me while he was on business travelling. He's even discussed planning a vacation with me. I haven't heard from him in over a week and I'm worried he won't call. I know I'm overworrying, but how long should I wait until i know he's just not interested anymore? We used to talk every other day (even while he was away on business- but sometimes not for three or four days- when he was really busy).


I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks!

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Hi Sweetharmony,


I think you are a bit insecure in this relationship. There could be any number of reasons he hasn't called you - and to think that is not good for you. You shouldn't have to worry like that when he is away, if he is going to be away a bit in the future. Depending on how soon he is due back (when is he back?), have a chat with him when he gets back. Communicate with him, and you will know where you stand with him. Make sure you value yourself in this deal also - he deserves you as much as you deserve him, so be confident about it. Don't come accross too bossy with him though, you don't want to scare him off !

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Listen to Charmed because the advice given is on target with what I would tell you. Wait till he comes back and then sit down and have that chat about where things stand. You should not be sweating this because you might be making a mountain out of a mole hill. Don't panic!!!


Take it easy and relax because no one is worth getting sick over.


Stay strong and hang in there!



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