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Problem with premature ejaculation! Very Embarassed, Help!

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I am 18 years old and I have been dating a girl that i love very much for about 5 months. In the past when we have been physical and she has givin me a blowjob or a handjob It takes me anywhere from 30 seconds to maybe 5 minutes to orgasm. I dont know if this is very normal or not?? I have never really been to physical with anyone else in my life.


Very recently though we have tried to have sex. Sometimes It is hard for me to get it hard enough which seems weird cause i havent had problems with this before and i am very attracted to her, I think i just get too nervous.

But when i do get it up and stick it in, It seems like it only takes a few seconds before i can't hold it anymore and it blows. I feel really embarrassed when this happens.


She has been with other guys in her life and has way more experience with this stuff than I do, but she has also told me she's never had an orgasm in her life. I feel really bad cause I feel like i can't please her and it is putting a negative damper on the relationship i really don't want this to happen.


If anyone has some advice on how i might fix this or any tips on how to prolong my orgasm for better sex, or even any questions or comments at all your help is very much apreciatted! thanks a Lot!

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Hi Chief !


The first thing you have to do is start to get positive about this. The worry about this is definitely a large factor in the future times this happens to you.


You can spend a lot less time bringing yourself to orgasm and more time helping your girlfriend reach hers. It's about reaching a harmony in the timing, and you can help her while prolonging your staying power.


Relax, relax relax. Read some info about bringing your girlfriend to orgasm, and try it out. Take the pressure off yourself - and not only will you have a happy sex life - you'll have a happy girlfriend too



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Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems. The condition is most often described as being an inability to delay ejaculation to a point when it is mutually desirable for both partners. The definition of when ejaculation is premature is subjective. While some men have trouble controlling their orgasm upon entry, others consider 5-10 minutes of copulation too little time. How long a man is able to last is not the important factor in diagnosing premature ejaculation. The crucial issue is if a man is satisfied with the length of coitus.



Most men have experienced this problem at some time in their life. Premature ejaculation was once thought to be caused by drugs or certain infections such as urethritis, but popular wisdom suggests it is more psychological in nature. The exact cause of the condition, however, still remains a mystery.


Premature ejaculation often occurs during the first experiences with sex, and in this case is most commonly attributed to anxiety. The majority of men gradually learn to control their orgasm, and have no lasting effect. Some men will develop a longer-term anxiety toward sex, which can cause a prolonged experience with premature ejaculation.

Sexual behavior is also a factor. The longer the period since last ejaculating, the quicker young men typically reach orgasm. Younger men tend to ejaculate more quickly than older men, as experience seems to be associated with ejaculatory control.

What can I do to delay ejaculation?


Desensitizing creams are products that can lessen the sensations felt by men during intercourse so that they can last longer. Pleasure Balm is a good, mild and safe desensitizing cream that only requires a small amount be applied.


Masters and Johnson method

The best way to fighting premature ejaculation is learning how to identify and control the sensations leading up to orgasm. The Masters and Johnson method does just that. The Masters and Johnson method requires a great deal of patience and practice, but is very effective. Follow the steps below.


You may want to start with masturbation. Begin by bringing yourself to a point relatively close to climax, and stop, allowing yourself to relax before starting again. Each time you do this, bring yourself closer and closer to orgasm until you cannot control it any longer. You may want to practice with the aid of a lubricant. I recommend trying Astroglide. Repeating this procedure a number of times on different occasions will help you learn where your point of climax is. Once you have an idea about your "point of no return" you should be able to direct stimulation from your partner leading up to orgasm. The best way to practice this method is with a caring lover, although you can try to prepare by yourself. With your partner, engage in non-coital stimulation (like masturbation or oral sex) and gradually allow yourself to reach that point just before ejaculation. At that point, signal your partner to stop (often this is done with a light squeeze or sound) and allow yourself to partially lose your erection. Repeat these steps several times to get the hang of it. You should practice these steps for several days before you attempt intercourse. Once you are ready to try intercourse, lay on your back and direct your partner to slowly allow you to penetrate. As soon as you feel that you are about to climax, signal to your partner or give a gentle push upward. Relax for a bit, then begin again. You should soon be able to control your ejaculation and enjoy having sex.


Although the method is extremely effective, it could take weeks before you get it just right. Remember, be patient and try not to put too much pressure on the situation. If you don’t get it the first time, shrug it off and remember that you are working towards something that takes time. If you still have trouble, don’t hesitate to contact a sex therapist for guidance.


Simulation technique

Some men can successfully increase their control with the Masters and Johnson method, but have a very difficult time maintaining control once a partner enters the scene. Of course it's normal that you're going to be more aroused when your lover is present. If this is the situation you find yourself in, here's what can help:

Add a 'simulation' step between the masturbation and intercourse phases discussed above. This will help you learn to control a higher sense of arousal than is possible with simple masturbation, and you get to do it in private without worrying about what your partner is thinking. There are a lot of products out there that simulate real intercourse. I recommend that you get a toy such as the CyberSnatch with a nice, high quality lubricant such as Astroglide.This will help simulate the sensations of real intercourse. To heighten your arousal, get a virtual sex DVD. These are interactive sexual videos that will help you simulate a real sexual encounter. If you don't have a DVD player, any erotic video should do the trick. Follow the same steps as the masturbation stage of the Masters and Johnson method using one of these videos and the CyberSnatch Once you can control your ejaculation in this simulation, then move on to intercourse with a partner.


Squeeze technique

The squeeze technique is really just a variation of the Masters and Johnson method, except that the assisting partner squeezes the tip or base of the penis just before the point of climax to essentially cancel the orgasm. The "squeeze" forces blood out of the penis and reduces the erection. You may want to use the squeeze technique if the Masters and Johnson method alone is not working.


Other techniques

Masturbation is a technique used by many young men to increase their level of control. It is thought that masturbation before sexual activity will lessen the amount of desire a man feels thereby increasing control. This technique is not very effective, however, as level of arousal is only part of what contributes to the condition.

Condoms are an effective means of reducing the amount of stimulation experienced during sex. Some men find that a condom helps them prevent premature ejaculation by lowering their arousal. If one condom does not decrease the stimulation enough, then put on one more. Condoms provide excellent protection against STDs and pregnancy, so they’re certainly worth a try. A good

Sexual positions can affect a man's ability to control his ejaculation. The typical "missionary" position (on top of your partner) is not the best position while attempting to control ejaculation. Try laying on your back, allowing the partner to control copulation. In this position you are more relaxed, and can guide your partner easily.


Happy Heb

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heres a tip from the bf who can hold off coming for hours

he used to masterbate all the time and when he was about to come hed just stop then do it again...keep doing that for like 20 mins then cum

do that everyday or every second day and ull learn to hold it off

also when ur having sex think about ugly women or count it will keep ur mind off of coming ..it works like a charm


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