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6 years old difference. Is normal friendship possible?


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I'm 24 student, he's 18 schoolboy. This year he will graduate his school and will go to higher university. There he will study for 4 years. After this years he will be only 22, I will be 28. He likes me very much, but I'm afraid that at this age I may want children already and he may not... What is our perspectives to remain together and to create a family for me with him, when we have 6 years old difference? Is it possible not to ruin his young life and to have a babies after 4 years with him?

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Kind of depends on at what stage in life he is at. Is he career oriented and wants to graduate quick, get a job, and settle down or is he excited to be starting his life in university and looking forward to all that excitement?


Whether he knows it or not, his transition and experiences between 18 and 22 will completely change and what he wants now will be different at 22. He definitely isn't anywhere close to having a family life with you. School and getting a job comes first in my book at least before marriage can be discussed...let alone children.


Could put too much pressure on him, but I had grandparents that remained devoted from after high school and while my grandpa was fighting for 5 years overseas in Germany so there have been greater odds and if it's really meant to be I'm sure you can make it work.

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