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This has always been the question on my mind, and probably on some of yours. What do you get for your girlfriend? The occasion, anything, it could be anniversary, (not just yearly but monthly im only in a highschool relationship) VALENTINES DAY (this one is comin up fast) and just in general.


What do you get?


Ladies, please, fill us in on what it is you like best,

roses are classic, but what else is there? im sure you ladies get bored of the chocolates and roses.


And yes, we all know, diamonds are a girls best friend,

however, what ELSE is their?



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Hey there,

Actually, I like the tradional stuff that you stated, there always nice and you cant go wrong... It's just a day to tell your sweetheart that you love her... Maybe, you can make her heart shaped cookies, and decorate them with sayings that most compliment her. Maybe, even go out to dinner. Teddy bears are cute...


And just for trivia purposes of how Valentine's day came about...

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I don't know abt others. I like to get things that my man made me. It doesn't have to be fancy at all. Or everything that I mentioned wanting to get, he would listen and buy it for me as a gift. Eg I said I wanted to make a photo album and I got one frm him as a gift.


Good luck Men

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Ask your girl what she wants. Everyone likes something different. Personally, i like things that come from the heart. Generally anything that you get her, she'll probably like. Flowers and chocolates are nice, every once in a while. There's always stuffed animals, or small pieces of jewlery, a necklace or bracelette. Doesn't have to be expensive. Movies, or cd's, or something that you make her. Burn a cd of her fave songs. Anythign like that. Just make sure it comes from the heart (especiall for valentines day)

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