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Strip clubs... am i to be worried?

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Okay, My Bf and i have been going out for almost 3 years...


hes never been to strip clubs but his friends have been asking him to go all the time... he says no, and says he thinks there slutty and dirty women dancing for everyone and there money...


is he saying that to please me...or do u think maybe hes been to one and doesnt want to tell me...


sometimes i see girls on tv and im like "wow i hope he doesnt think of them blah blah blah... (im very insecure)...


i need facts men... please hit me with some facts!

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Hello, MissJBug, Mreow.


I wouldn't think that you have anything to worry about, obviously he cares about you more than going to strip clubs with his pals.


I think that action shows that he is devoted to you and don't want to see you sad? Why are you thinking that he might have visited one before, btw?


I also know how hard it is to feel insecure regarding your gf/bf and I do not know why we do. I wish I could help you on that question but I do not know what to say.


All I can say is to raise your spirit and keep your chin up

Good luck, Miss.

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Well, I actually typed this last night and the site went down, but I saved it and here it is:



I happen to agree with his assessment of those girls. While, I know that not all girls are like that, but I also speak about the ones I have seen and they do actually act like that.


Yuor insecurities will harm the relationship at some point if you don't realize that he likes you enough that he is going out with you. Have faith in yourself in that you are truly happy about who you are. If you are not happy about who you are then you must figure out why. If you feel that you are not up to his par, then you must realize that he is with you and apparently happy there. YOu may need to work on you insecurities by going to a counsellor. Sounds like you have been burnt badly in the past and have not trulyu let go of this hurt. Give him the benefit of doubt and trust him till he shows you that there is a reason for not trusting him. Go with the flow and trust him and the fact that he knows which side his bread is buttered on. Trust is something that should be given until it is lost and then they must work on earning it again.

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Thank you all very much, you've really really helped me through this... i mean i know why im insecure... im 18 years old... im a pretty girl but... for some reason... not developed in the front like most 18 year old girls. Thats why im insecure, but if he loves me for me, than i must be doing something right!


The reason I worry so much is because, we are so happy that i dont want him to feel obligated to stay with me in the future if anything happens to us. I know i shouldnt be worrying about the future, but sometimes its all that i think about. I dont want to loose him, Hes one of those "one in a million men" that everyone wants, but Ive got.

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