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I meet my ex-girlfriend today for the first time since 12 February when she left for Asia. She dumped me 17 Marsh over the phone when she returned. I meet her on a Square 12:00 today near her (before our) home. She was not very well dressed and was wearing sunglasses. She had also gained some weight. I was very close to tears when I saw her.


There was no hug, nothing. She asked me what I wanted to do and gave me a sports bag with cloths. Inside the bag there was also a present. A present she bought to me in Asia but never gave to me. It was just a pair of ugly swimwear. We walked over the street and came about 100 meters. We started to argue. She put up a lousy attitude towards me. I was of course close to tears. The first 15 minutes was very tuff.


She even lied to me about her not making out with a guy one day after she broke with me. She told me that I was stupid that I did not understand that she was going to dump me, that her friends (This time it was only two) did not like me and that they now was very happy that we had broken up. Nice friends she got. She finally said “I’m sorry” after I told her that she behaved cruel. Things started to get better.


I started to analyze but realized that it was stupid and told her that I would not do that. She agreed and said that she did not like that side of me. We walked to a Starbucks and sat down for some talking. The first hour was about work, school, how everything was going. My ex asked me about my parent’s dog, she loved that dog. We talked about love life and she asked me about that girl I’m currently dating.


In the end we started to talk about serious stuff.


She said that she dumped me because I was not happy, boring, did not help her at home, had too few friends, and did not listen to her that I was a wimp and so on. She said that she liked our first years but that she wanted out the last year. That she was unhappy. She pointed out that she had moved on and that I should do the same.


I asked her if she missed me. She said no. Then I started to push her some more and she told me that the reason why she had treated me so bad was because she did not wanted me to believe that she wanted me back. She pointed out that she felt bad the first day and cried. But still she made out with a guy two days later. (?)


In the end I asked her what she felt for me. She said that she felt nothing that I was nothing to her, that she did not like my personality and that she did not even wanted me as a friend. She said that she know that she had done terrible things to me (Unfaithfulness, lying, have never contacted me, and cruel treatment) but she did not feel ashamed. I deserved it she argued. She had no respect for me at all she told me.


The only reason why she sat there was because of me and that she did not enjoy sitting there, she would rather be home sleeping she told me. I asked her if it would matter if I hated her. She said no and emphasize that if me hating her would help me getting over her I should hate her. She did not care if I loved her or hated her. (?)


I was close to crying and went to the bathroom. I came back and made some jokes and took another cigarette from her. She was like stone, no tears, no laughs, nothing. It was very tuff looking at her. She said that she now wanted to go home and this will likely be the last time we see each either. I started to cry for real this time. She asked me if everything should be alright and that she really did not wanted to go because she did not wanted to see me sad. (?)


We stood a couple of meters from each either, people walked by and saw me crying and turned their heads. It was so sad. She said that she was so sorry for everything and said it over and over again. She said that she did not regret our relationship. I said that I did, that I had some old pictures to burn. She continued to say I’m sorry. I said: Five years, a tear feel down on the street and I walked away.



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I'm really really sorry you're going through this. Breakups always suck. But honestly, she doesn't sound like a big loss to say the least... you're way better off without her, trust me. Keep your head up, there are so many great girls out there who will love you for just who you are, it's just a matter of time until the right one comes around.


PS: Hejsan Sverige! Ser att du kommer från Stockholm (mitt andra hem!). Hälsningar från Tyskland

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I'm really really sorry you're going through this. Breakups always suck. But honestly, she doesn't sound like a big loss to say the least... you're way better off without her, trust me. Keep your head up, there are so many great girls out there who will love you for just who you are, it's just a matter of time until the right one comes around.


PS: Hejsan Sverige! Ser att du kommer från Stockholm (mitt andra hem!). Hälsningar från Tyskland


It’s just me that – how hard I try – never can get over her. We did everything together. We were the everlasting team if you know what I mean. But I think that I will get over her in a present future. I know that there are plenty of very nice girls there and I meet them all the time. It’s just that it’s hard to build up something from the beginning.


Ps: Hejsan Tyskland. Jag bor i Stockholm. Hur kommer det sig att du kan prata svenska? Hälsningar Sverige

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