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Someone please help me out????

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Hi, by the way im new here so, "hi!"

Anyways, heres my situation:

I like this girl and she likes me too! her friend says that she likes outgoing guys and would like it if I shouldnt be nervious when I talk to her...becuz i am a very VERY shy guy! When I talk to her all I could say is "hi" and "how you doing" and from there, I get stuck! I wish I know what else to do becuz she likes out-going guys but, I dont think I am, so I would like it if someone (that means it could be you) would give me some hints or advices or ANYTHING to be more "out-going" becuz I really really like this girl...

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Heya Typical! Welcome to eNotalone!


Being out-going isn't all that easy. It's more then just an act and it usually stems from confidence. Basically all you need to do is learn that you're okay with who you are and not to worry about what other people think. Then walk up to a random person in the mall who's by themselves and give it a shot. Start with people you don't know. Get comfortable talking to strangers, not just saying hi but actually getting into a discussion. Try talking about your interests and your hobbies. What you do for a living and what motivates you to become how you want to be.


It's a bit of work and don't get discouraged by anyone who is rude to you just because you're open. Some people are just jerks. That said good luck and don't give up. Soon you'll have plenty of different view to bring to a conversation and lots of confidence and conversational experience.


Hey it worked for me Just don't go home with anyone...

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