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No girls like me at all.

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First off i'd like to say that the main problem is that girls probley think im ugly and why would they want somone who is ugly? Its like would you choose a honda civic over a BMW M3? heck no you would take the better car.so yeah i just wanted to say this to get it off my chest. lately i was thinking about going into the army...and hopeing i die in battle somewhere. so i dont have to worry about anything.

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Hey I guess your comparison is fair but there are several other you could use. Just look at this and see what you see.


I was able to have the option of a Mercedes sports car over a generally new brand, both expensive and desirable yet which is better? On first choice you would go for the sports car in looks yes it is the better of the two. But really is it? You see when you look into the inertia of the car its fake plastic and not desirable, looks on the outside do deceive, whereas the other car had an amazing inertia, it was the deluxe, reality and beautiful thing.


So despite you seeing yourself as ugly are you? Because from your posts and what I see of you, you never have been. Looks are deceiving and they can be changed but yourself and the inside is true and optional to you.


People shouldn’t look for the first thing in hand but in depth. If you go for being within the army do it for a course, do it because you want to don’t do it because others have defeated you within!


Good luck, kel

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Well CustomX I read some previous post of yours where you said you broke up with your girlfriend. So you had a girlfriend so not every girl thinks your ugly then, do they. I got similar issues too, I'm only 5'8" and since the the end of november last year I joined a gym. I was 125lb when I started and now I'm 130lbs, slowly getting bigger. Would you like to improve your looks? Lose weight, get toned, gain mass... join a gym like I did. Lifting weight is also great when your full of anger and/or frustration, makes you workout harder.


Maybe you should just put girls on the backburner for now and work on yourself like I'm doing. I don't bother with females these. You have to find your pleasures in life... Mine would have to be my friends, family and the gym. They're the only 3 things that stop me from going postal. I'm sure you have interests, if not, find some new hobbies! Just ignore the females buddy, they're not worth anything anyway.

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hey custom x,

im sorry to hear your not going through a good patch right now .... but ive got one thing to say .. plain and simple..... if the girls your looking for only bothered about looks then your obviously looking for are at in this case... the wrong girls ..! you want someone that looks at your personality and decides wether they find you beautiful.

everyone is beautiful in their very own special way... you just have to find what it is and make it known of you !

Good luck

Hope this was some help

Mrsmalakian x

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you need to have more self esteem, girls are attracted to (not preppy goody goods) guys who have self respect and are confident in themselves. don't start to like a girl and then keep thinking to yourself that she wont liek you, like the girl and think hey she might really like me and im good enough and maybe i could get a date with her.

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One place to meet the opposite sex is doing something that you enjoy. When you meet them, then you already have something in common and you can talk about that.


What kind of hobbies do you have? What do you enjoy doing? Music? Reading? Outdoors? Sports? Start looking at stuff like that. If you like music, then grab a friend and go to a small concert. Talk to the women there about the band and stuff. Or take a class to learn something you always wanted to learn about. Then talk to the women in there about the class or your interests.


Sometimes the best partner is right under your nose and you don't even realize it.


Does this help? Let us know your hobbies and maybe we can point out some places to try...



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I agree with puny guy. Improve yourself only FOR yourself and not for the surroundings. And treat girls like I do. Which exactly the same way as I treat my buddies. Then the girls will see your true self and the ones who are interested will come out. And last but not least just dont be anxious about it. Oh and I prefer a Civic if it is well done (turbo, 16''rims etc) from a BMW M3

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Hey CustomX


You sounded like you were doing great, but then again that picture of yours never changed. As someone else pointed out, you did have a girlfriend, and from what i remember, you were together for a very long time. What is putting you in your state of mind is your insecurity, and confidence level which has obviously crashed.


CustomX, you and none of us can change our genes. But you can change how you treat those genes. Looks cannot be changed (naturally), and you must live with them, the more you sob and wish you was something else, the more down you will be. You must love yourself. You should wear nice clothes and walk with pride BECAUSE you are proud of yourself. There is only one you. No one else is like you. So treat yourself accordingly. Don't spend your life walking with your head down. You live once, so live it to the fullest.


Your state of mind is why you think girls think your ugly. Your state of mind must be that you are a prize, and you must treat yourself as one. Do what makes you look good. Find a celebrity that is similar to you in terms of hair type, face body etc and is very popular, and start idolising them. Do your hair like those people, wear the same clothes or fashion type, and when its done and you think you look great and similar to this idol, your confidence and pride should boost. Don't want to idolise? Do what you think will make you look good, something that will make you feel good.


Anyone can wear a suit. But few can wear a suit proudly. UNDERSTAND? Few can wear a suit that seems to fit them naturally and creates an aura of importance. Good carriage, excellent threads, are the CONSEQUENCE by how you think of yourself. Avman and co said its great to meet people where ever you find interesting, but if you love your self, then you shouldn't really be going there. Make yourself more desirable.


Private Victory always precedes Public Victory. The place to begin starts inside yourself, inside your Circle of Influence, your own character.


I read one of the articles here, and it said that biologically, women are attracted to men who are confident in themselves and can take them on a ride and take care of them. Don't put them on the pedestal, put yourself there. Women actually want you to do this.


CustomX i realise that this kind of attitude could take time to achieve and won't happen over night. Its a change that will have to take place gradually. Thjs high self esteem, like all change, is SLOW and GRADUAL. It requires hardwork, a bit of luck, a fair amount of self sacrifice, and ALOT of PATIENCE. Good things come to those who wait and those who work hard on it.


guess but i really dont know what a good place is to meet girls.. i just have trouble talking to them and stuff you know?


When you put yourself infront of them you will not have any trouble. A good place to meet girls? Anywhere thats like a social gathering. Or like Avman said, places you find interesting.


If you want a quick resolution in terms of girls then read these-


If you are average or less in looks, concentrate on people in classes or work. Join small clubs and activities ("closed fields").


If you are shy, rely on "social density" networks and arrange to be at the same place at the same time as the person of interest, surrounded by people, of course. Rely on "happenstance" to bring you together


If you want to stop feeling this way then do what is taught above.


Good luck

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone


I am a 32 year old UK-Indian male, and considering I am short, a little overweight and got a handsome face, I still can't get a woman.


No matter where I go, what I do, in public, either walking down the street, to the shops, in a bar, if I chat to a girl, they make an excuse to say their boyfriend is on their way, or they are already spoken for.


Many girls are ignorant. I have even been racially insulted, by girls I have considered attractive.


Even girls of my own ethnic background tend to shun me. I am just my ordinary normal self at the end of the day. Does it make you feel that I feel hated and punished without a good excuse?

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