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Always happen's to me! ALWAYS

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Hey all, I haven't posted in awhile, been doing pretty good until recently. I finally thought I found somebody that was my equal and unfortunately, like every other girl that I've liked, it fell through. See I met her in a class I had and since the first time I saw her I thougt she was amazing. I talked to her, got close, and started getting her to meet me at the student center at our college to work out with me 3 days a week. One time in particular I thought I heard her mention she was hungry, maybe edging me to ask her out to eat, but she said it so softly I wasn't sure and didn't have her repeat (MORON!) well I finally built up the courage to ask her out and when i did, even though I knew she liked my with no doubts, she said MAYBE! That kinda twerked at me for awhile and then I found out that another focker or excuse me. . . guy, asked her out the day before me. Since then she hasn't been to the student center much and I haven't been able to contact her. I'm tired of everyone I ever develop an attraction for or close connection with getting away from me. I know there is probably not much one can say on this subject but please say something, I need someone to hear me out. I'm just so P#$5ed off right now cause she was perfect for me in every way emotionally, mentally, etc. and I am tired of looking. . . tired of being the "nice guy" whoevery girl "wants" to date but DON't . . . thank you for your time....

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Okay here is some advice from a chick.. hope you don't mind.

You sound like a nice guy... don't let that get you down! She's probably not worth the stress. Not sure if the other guy asked her out first, I guess what I'm trying to say is if he did... then you came along and asked her out, then she could of at least told you that she was interested in someone else and not leave you hanging and wondering... instead she said MAYBE and it sounds like she has made every effort to avoid you! She surely doesn't sound like she's worth it.

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nturner99, I've been in your shoes before. In high school I was the nice guy that none of the girls dated. I was downed for Senior Prom because one of my friends asked my crush out before I asked her to the Prom, so I know where you are coming from. Don't give up man, just cuz you think that your dream girl has slipped away, doesn't mean that there is another dream girl right around the corner. Good luck and keep your head up.



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