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I seriously just ended things with my boyfriend of 3 years, we have had one hell of a rocky relationship from cheating (he cheated), which lead to trust and its just a miserable cycle i keep giving into. This time i need to stay strong but i find myself texting him asking why we just can work! I need advice, actually i need a sleeping potion so i can sleep for two months then waake up when its all over!! Any advice... on how to stay strong!! I know there is someone better out there for me, someone who is more compatible and will trust me!

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I know how hard it can be, believe me. I have tried to end my relationship several times but i can never stay strong enough to actually let it go. So I am going to give you some advice that I wish I had taken. First off, DO NOT TEXT HIM. just leave him alone. give someone your phone. don't have any contact with him. No matter how much he calls you back apologize and promises things, you need to stay strong. If you really do want to get back together with this guy, it is obvious that he needs alot of growing up to do. This growing up will NOT happen if you remain in a relationship with him. But i get the feeling that you know there is someone better out there for you. Just don't cave in, don't talk to him. As much as i know you want to tell him how your feeling, and to say all those things that you feel should be said, DON'T. Just completely cut off all contact for at LEAST one month. Keep yourself busy, work out ALOT, if your physcially tired you won't have enough energy to think about your situation.

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Yes i know, i think i am also feeling the guilt from breaking up with him and not giving him a reason... there are too many to count and I am no longer going to have contact with him. it is not my fault he did not grow up, but he is so insecure that he is taring me down with him, he wants to take me to his level and i am no longer letting him do it. I feel like i have been brain washed for so long that this is my chance to get back to who i was!

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thank you, i just wrote a letter to him, just to get my thoughts out I am not going to give it to him. It helped a lot. I know i need to move on and there is someone out there who will be more compatible wth me. Someone who i wont feel like i have to help and change! I am just a sucker for caring for ppl and they tend to take me down with them. The truth is that ppl dont change, you can lead the horse to water but you cant make it drink! and i am sick of leading, it is my time now, i have no one to answer to no one to fight over bs with... its my time. I am a free bird! I just have to get over the guilt of hurting him... when in al reality he did it to himself!

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Jemjem, you should have no guilt because he did this to himself. He, if he is any kind of man, will realize this and try and change for the better for his next relation ship. He isnt your problem anymore. If you are a nice person its all too easy to want to be a saviour to people. Only problem is, that sucks the soul out of yourself. Sometimes you cant even lead a horse to water beacuse they rear up and kick you in the teeth. When they are thirsty they will find their own way, with or without you. Look after yourself now hun, and shine like a star x

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