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How can I become more attractive?


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I'm a 22 year old woman and I have a huge problem. I'm not attractive. I'm the girl that guys love to be friends with because I'm smart, creative and funny, but they never want to date me. I thought that after awhile guys would begin to like who I am and want to be with me because of my personality, but that delusion lasted for about oh...two seconds.

I've tried dressing as seductive as I feel comfortable with, but I really don't want to become an uberslut. I'd rather have a man love me for who I am than for my clothes or body. So is there anything (besides turning into Christina Agulera) that will make me more attractive to men? Is there anything i should do or say that would help? I've been single for so long now I'm beginning to lose all hope of ever finding anyone.




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Honestly, I think that what shines thru the most about a person and thier attractiveness is their personality. I have seen a few moviestars in person that many people swoon over and I get repulsed because they have the biggest egos. In regards to women, I, myself, and meny guys that I have hung out with turn the other way when they see that a woman tries too hard. I turn away because i want a friend who is real. This really is the best quality about a person, but I at the same time understand you frustration for wanting a new look. Do you look at magazines? I know that cosmo has some great beauty tips that are helpful. Try a new look for your makeup. Wear a v-neck shirt with a push up bra, jeans and boots. These are only a few suggestions... but the real key is to let your personality shine thru.

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I agree with Mermayd here.


Try to focus on your strengths and work on it. A few physical changes you could do are to change your hairstyle, get some new clothes, start exercising (it really is an elixir for your moods and confidence too). First step is to feel good about yourself.


Once you feel better about yourself, people will notice the changes too. But whatever you do, make sure that YOU, remain as YOU. You do not want to transform yourself into something you are not. It is unreal.


All in all...be confident and happy with yourself. You will meet the right guy someday!

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YES.. personality rocks, Severina. I am 30 yr old male and what I look for in a woman is how sweet she is, understanding, caring, passionate, but most of all how honest and open she is. There is NOTHING I can do to work with a very very beautiful and attractive woman, if I cannot communicate with her or we having constant major understanding. Now, this is one point of view.


Now look at this: who says you are not attractive? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Did you know that? I remember a posting from Jessr06, feeling uncomfortable that she's being short. After a few days I seen a guy posting about his g/f, being 5'1 and how much he liked that. Really, I wouldn't worry too much over what you look like. Do you feel insecure? Do you have low self-esteem? Then I suggest to look in the mirror for 15 minutes a day and look at every inch of your body. That helps you getting comfortable over yourself (see posting "Low self esteem" from me earlier).


Bottom line: kick back and have fun. Love yourself and try to feel comfortable over yourself. You're good!!


Good luck!!


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 11 months later...

When I was in my teens, I really thought it was important to have an attractive girl. Then I had quite a few of those and they were more boring, more stupid and more clueless than all the other less attractive girls I've had since.


I have learned to appreciate the interior. I am older now (25) and I want something more meaningful than a hot body and a pretty face.

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Here is a different thought:


People can become more attractive by having lots of interests.



and the more experience you get...

(like say parachuting, or horse riding, or skiiing, or roller blading,

or bowling, or reading something new, or martial arts, or taking a night class or going to concerts or mountain biking, wall climbing or whatever)


...the more confident you are, and also the more people(guys) you can

say you have common interests with.


It is attractive to see a person that is growing themselves into a better person. People want to join them...




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