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Scared to say those three little words that mean so much


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I almost said it tonight, almost told him I loved him. I wasn't even consciously thinking it at the time. He was calling himself a dork and then I responded "no you're not." and as I moved into hug him, then the words nearly escaped my lips "I lo..." Shocked I immediately shut my mouth and said a little prayer that he didn't catch it. OMG! I almost said it. Well it's not like I don't know it's mutual. Why am I so scared to say it to him. Obviously it's natural because I was going to say it without being conscious of it, thinking romantic thoughts, cuddling with him, etc. It was just a moment of him being himself and me being totally crazy about it! I just love him, everything about him...what the hell am I going to do.

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Just go for it! If it's that natural, then why stop yourself. Perhaps you're afraid of openly showing your commitment, or maybe embarrassed. But if you two are in love, really, I don't think there's anything stopping you.

So as for what to do? I think you know.

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I take it your in a relationship with this person? or just friends?


If in a relationship why are you worrying? Shyness is overcome with time.


Being in a relationship is normally based around one thing - Love. We all know it, but we all find it hard to admit for some reason - strange aren't we?!


I wouldn't worry about it. My GF was the first to declare love but it was reciprocated. Infact she'd almost said it a few nights before but managed to stop herself (yes we do pick up on these things!) which made me feel a bit unwanted. When she eventually delcared it I was over the moon!

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Thank you all! Yes, we are in a relationship. We've known each other over a year and a half but just recently made it an official thing. It just took me by such surprise, I've never felt this way for anyone before. It's amazing! I actually talked to him about it last night. I pretty much said what I posted here, he responded well and said "I think we both are feeling the same things." Yes, indeed we are but both of us are afraid to to say it. We show it to each other all the time, we're a very affectionate couple, and I'm sure he can see it in my eyes/smile as I can see it in his, but we're both afraid. It's silly since we both feel it! Grrrr...stupid emotions.

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I know how you feel. I couldn't say I love you to my bf when we first started going out. It was horrible because he would say it to me but I couldn't. Did you grow up in a family that wasn't affectionate and never told you how they felt about you? That's how I grew up and I have a problem being affectionate with people. My boyfriend basically taught me how to be affectionate. But anyways, I know it will be hard to let it out the first time, but believe me it will get easier. Trust me.

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I know how you feel. I couldn't say I love you to my bf when we first started going out. It was horrible because he would say it to me but I couldn't. Did you grow up in a family that wasn't affectionate and never told you how they felt about you? That's how I grew up and I have a problem being affectionate with people. My boyfriend basically taught me how to be affectionate. But anyways, I know it will be hard to let it out the first time, but believe me it will get easier. Trust me.


Yes, I was never really told "I love you" let alone said it while I was growing up. But I do see myself as an affectionate person. I enjoy being close, kissing, holding hands, etc, but when it comes to verbalizing my feelings I get all freaked out. I think it stems from a fear of being vulnerable...putting your heart out there is a scary thing to do; although with him I want to, I really want to.

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Mine happened something like you, sorta. I was out with his sister and we're talking blah blah you're nothing like his ex's, he's never talked about a girl like this blah blah... I was thrilled to hear it from someone so close that I'm much different and he's so different and then she says: "oh yeah, he's totally in love with you" I'm like huh? Holy sh!t. So I go home to him, we're talking I like you alot- never felt this way, I'm so happy we're here I wasn't planning on saying it, I was so scared he wouldn't say it back (even though I know how strong we felt for eachother) I'd never felt like this for anyone and I told him that then it just happened: "I love you" I stopped right there, it totally slipped- I was just planning on telling him how much he meant to me. So there we were, I'd said it, he was silent. I was like umm- opps- DAMN shouldn't have said it. So I spoke up next and said: "well I guess you know how I feel!" but I also said, that I don't want nor expect you to say it back now, or until you're ready- and I meant it but I was still crushed he didn't blurt it out back. A few mintues went by (no joke) and we just cuddled, I was hurt he didn't say it- but I knew he cared, and all that but after a few mintues he pulls up my chin looks me in the eye and said: "it's been a long time for me, but I know and I've known for a while that I love you too- it's just not something I will blurt out- but I do mean it."


So say it- if you mean it, and be okay in the event he doesn't say it back. It sounds like he really cares, so even if he doesn't say it back right away- it will come in time. He's probably thinking the same thing- I can't say it! He may just need a little encouragement from you (which means you say it first). Nothing feels better than hearing someone say "I love you" especially from someone you truly care about.

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