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how do i cope with out her,how do i survive this break up

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well,after no sleep,started cry so much missing her i cant hardly see so im gonna post this, tell my story.i'll have to explain,eveything about be and her so everyone gets it.i never needed no pity or had problems finding a date till aug 3 1990 i broke my neck in bike crash leaving me a parapledgic,any way after loosin my drivers licensce forever of constant duis,i was standed at home and a cripple.some one talked me into getting a puter so i did,i this 1 little room was like 20 regs, i got to know them and i met a girl,didnt know her to well, kinda outspoken ect,but as time went on,i got to know her well.she was married,kids ive never been married,never had a g/f or kids.me and her got closer partying,having great times,i knew her husband kids her friends everything about her,i knew her better than her husband,we cammed naughty alot,laughed,cryed with her, i was allways there for her,7 yrs passed i gave up all my friends and life for her,if she was online we was together.as time went on we started getting into fights,partyin does that.it got worse,she and her husband bought a new home ,id sit staring at this monitor waiting on her for months,nothing.i admit i was very jealous of her,and shes like 5 ft 95 lb blonde green eyes very beautiful,and i had fell in love with her, i have never felt like this over any one,i mean a lonely crippled guy and a beautiful girl camming nude with me,i was over welmed,she would tell me she loved me at times,and when her kids got done with school,shed leave her husband come be with me,has just a lie.i didnt know what to think but was glad she was there for me, i wanted to be with noone else,i love her dearly,one nite i was very upset,drunk missing her,sent am im cussing her swhure enough she was on line hiding,probly camming with other guys.i threating to show her 300 nude pics to her friends ect,from the old room,anyone to stop her from doin that and come back to me.....so i did...worste mistake ive ever done,she confided in me,trusted me,but she had lied to me so many times, i caught her doing things that hurt me more than once ,more lies,she didnt remember this that,but scattering those few pics hurt her, she didnt such,but thing is she told me ''goahead'' stuff.anyway we fought day after day,use fighting not together like it was affected 100s of pll,just things wasnt right.we tryed to fix im told her i was so sorry i hurt her,id never do something so stupid again, she forgave me but i havent forgave my self.this ben going on for about a yr and i havent heard from her in a few weeks now so ive think ive really lost her forever.me and her together was my life.now i just sit never sleeping crying uncontrollabley,missing her,she told all i need to to was to put a gun in my mouth pull the trigger or i need to be hung 3 dayds later hugggs i still love you.this girl has messed my mind up.thing is i may have to let her go and all connected with her,i just wish things was back the way they was.thing is i want her back i miss her and im so in love with her, ive never been in love with noone,and ive never met her is the thing, id never break up her marrage,i just wanted her to let me love her.now she dont want to talk to me i wont eat sleep,her friend says she not thinkin about me...i know she loves attention from other men,women,but she hurt me to but she dont think she done nothing...i dunno think im screwed,never been threw nothing like this,but i still love her,probly allways will, im lost

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hey man

well, to say the truth i have been in ur curent setuation, not the sanme offcourse but something very close to it and not once more, if u want my advice man, stop thinking about her, u asked for openion and thats what im giving you, just my openion and from my own experince and from one that i had so recent as yesterday, i know this seem cruel to you and i know that you proply think she is so perfect, she is the one i thought of all my life, but that all thoughts, ur heart needed to beat ur brain answered, u needed to be loved, and u loved, but im sad to say, cant you see that ur not being loved back, i know the words "i just want her to let me love her" couse i used them myself but thats not true, what is love when ur not loved back, isnt that a waste of loce, how can she be so perfect when she leaves you, when she lies to you and when she is married and have kids, and above all when she doesnt love you and doesnt even think about you or even understand you, your proply thinking now what are you talking about you know nothing, well maybe i know nothing, but i know this, what makes "the one" perfect is that you are loved back and that this one takes you as you are no matter whats missing in you, so why are you so insisted in wasting your self and your love over someone that doesnt apreciate you, and wont, just bull ur strenght together and leave it, drop it, and dont even email her, dont ask about her as she doesnt ask about u and drop the hall thing, leave ur room, get out, im sure u have some friends who are ready to help you out, just go around and dont lose hope, one day ur one will come and its not the one you think it is, thats the way it always is, never the one you think its gonna be couse it will surprise you

so get over her man, this is a lost case so drop it and wait for your case to show along, i know its hard but you can do it, drop the missing thing whenever u miss her think of the bad things she has done and u wont miss her, otherwise ull stay the rest of ur life setting there waiting for some meriacle to happen, we do our own meriacles man, bull it together forget about her even if u had to block her email, fight to be you before you even know her, be strong and wait for love it will come to you, u never find love but love finds you

i hope i wasnt cruel on u, but be strong and go on

bet wish and luck

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its ok white rider,thank you bro for replying...u are right i was told this morning wild man u might have fell in love with her,in love with her,but she was never in love with you,it is hard for me to come to this kinda mindset, but i do need sum kinda closeure.i do waite in front of the puter rider,hope she will say hey wanna talk,or anything.i know im stupid,but god help me for wanting to be loved.ive had so much pain in my life it seems to never stop.but im tying no contach with her.i tyed to end it before no she aways wants me there if its just sending a message.so i would wait,hoping we could fix it.sum how ive got to put her behind me.its starting to tear down my health now.mentally,physcally.i got to really look at this relationship and do something soon,or not do,let let her go but god help me ,as bad as she hurt me,i can still see her face in my mind.it made me so happy just to see her grin,but that was the past,all i can do is try to close to hole she left in my heart! thanks white rider,i am tryin to understand

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hey again man

i know this is truly hard for you

i know taht you love her and all that, but what i am saying is, look at it, cant you see that its not that she killed you , she is still killing you, all you do is wait for her, aint that a petty for the time, time is runing man, the world is moving and she is moving with it, but she made u set in ur place, dnt let life pass you, couse as they say life is short, and for some ppls as me an you its all hurts and hurts and hurts, but believe in one thing, believe that one day you will be happy, believe that one day there will be justice and those you loved somehow will get back what they deserve, dont forget that, and dont get trapped between the past and the present couse the future is what matters, you dont have to end anything, couse she already did end it, just leave and take care of ur self, unfourtenatly this is a word when most ppl only care for there selfs, look at ur self and leave her, take care of ur self, stop wasting the time over someone who doesnt care, just bull ur strenth and go one, drop everything that connects you to her, stay away, i know its hard but u have to force ur self to, couse thats the only way ull get over her, sadly she isnt urs and she will never be, you know why, couse she doesnt deserve to be, think of it this way, she isnt worth you, ur love is to pure for her, so move on and im sure one day ull get the one who deserves you , just dont give up, hope, thats all you need hope for good, hope for people who can apreciate, hope for someone to love and dnt waste ur self on someone who doesnt

try to change have a new start, even close ur accounts on the net and open new ones, take ur time to heal, and dont push ur self deeper in depression, get out of the mud and ull see the sun shining, all u need is just to look up to see the sun and now ur just looking down to the ground (her), look the other way, look in a way that there is no her at all, and ull see that everything will seem more beautifull, and life will start shining in ur way, just have the strenght and the hope and go on ur way, the world wont slow down for you but you can catch up to the world when u stop wasting your time for her and do things that will make you gald, have the strenght and believe, believe ull be fine without even one thought of her in ur mind

and you will be fine, heal, hope, believe, and remember.. one day

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I just wanted to say that I am sorry about your current situation. I think that reality has finally set in, in the way that your affair with this woman was just that. She is married, so it was to be expected...I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but it's kind of a no-brainer when one gets involved with a married person, you cannot expect anything but a broken heart in the end.... please do not get involved with someone who is married again because, if you were to ever finally get this woman, you wouldn't want her because of her past actions and cheating nature. She would do the same thing to you. Believe me you're better off without her. .....I cannot even imagine how you must feel, before, during and after this ordeal, so I want you to know that I wish you the best of luck in finding someone who is unattached and who can reciprocate the love and respect that you have to offer.

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