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what to say...

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Hey people! 8)


Who hever see this please answer


I wanted to ask you: Well.. I'm a guy;and I like this girl. I wanted to know what is the best way to start a conversation, I mean... what to say,- just say hi and live with it? What is the most normal or used way to start a conbersation?


Thanks! Is my honor talking to u.

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Hi, I may not be a moderator, but if you want people to take your posts seriously, please use proper english, punctuation, etc. It makes it harder to read when you write like that, and thereforeeee discourages people from replying.


As for your post, we need a little more information from you to be able to help. Are you in school? High School? College? We are glad to help any and all, but we need to understand the situation a bit more to post a helpful response, which is what the purpose of this forum is.


PM me if you have any questions.

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talk about whatever.. sports, Church, what she likes, how her week went, has she seen any good movies in a while..what was her new year like, what did she get for X-mas...


in general conVersations:


have a lot to do with emotions, what your feeling like that day, depressed, sad, happy, nervous, you sometimes just talk about what your feeling... no doubt they are expressed, and they are picked up by the other person, while talking, so make sure your in high spirts that day, really that is it...

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Ok... lets start this again.


I'm A guy.- I like a girl that I know (or have seen a lot ) for more than a year. I should be in High school but that does not matter; I don't know this girl from any school just from church. I have talked to her before, say hi, etc, but never a conbersation just a short talk. What I wanted to know is how to make a conbersation. What is the most common thing to start one? the usual speech. I don't need to talk to her like I have never meet her before but, I what to talk to her or what I said before,- make a conbersation to get to know her better. Sometimes I feel like I'm too... too... well... not an emotional person. I only talk to her when she talks to me and I always look alroud when she is alroud me. Sometimes she does the same ( well.. most of the time!) but ... why should I be that way when being with the person I like rite? I think mabey because I'm the shy type like someone else has told me. I think so. I only talk to her when someone, anyone is not alroud and not much; thats why I what to know how to start a good conbersation!


Thanks!... 8)

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