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falling for a jerk?

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In my past, I've dated a lot of jerks. I dont' think its indicative of me...there really wasn't a way to tell that they were jerks in the beginning, I don't think.


What I'm wondering is: if the guy was a jerk, why do I miss him?


I think part of it has to do with choice. Over time if you never meet a nice guy, you're willing to settle for a jerk. Usually the hot, nice guys are snatched up like freshly made blueberry muffins. So then you get attached because human beings seek out companionship. So its the loss of just having someone there, rather than the person that makes you suffer after a break up with a jerk.

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there really wasn't a way to tell that they were jerks in the beginning... so he wasn't a jerk in the beginning and i guess you miss that?



i miss my ex bf. he was a good bf. but now all he does is play mind games with me. makes me wonder why can't i find a nice boy to date. i'm jaded. i think all men are scum now. =( lol

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Yeah... my ex was totally sweet, nice, etc. in the beginning (of course)

Now he's the biggest a-hole I've ever met and I seriously don't even know who he is anymore.... sadly, I still waste my time with him, hoping he'll change.


You miss who he "used" to be. But who he used to be wasn't really him.

I guess you're trying to find the old him again, but he's nowhere to be found because he doesn't exist.

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