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I need someone to guide me.

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Here is the deal. I am in this stupid dilemma with my credit cards. I currently owe 1,000 on one and 500 on another one. I also owe my parents 500 for the simple fact that they had to bail me out of a couple of my payments last month. Now I hate owing money like this I haven't used these two cards for over a year now and I still can't manage to pay them off. Seems like they will stay at 1,000 and 500 forever.


I'm a student in college and I have a good job. But in order for me to keep my car, i need to pay 250 for car payment and 250 for car insurance. So I have to make at least 600 a month, this includes gas. How am i suppose to pay off these cards if i can barely make 600 a month as it is? I just hate being in debt like this Someone please help me

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best way is to pay more than the minimum amount due, if you aren't already. A lot of the times, the interest on the amount you owe will almost cancel out your monthly payment. Another thing you might be able to do is find a card that can do a 0% on balance transfers and consolidate your debt onto one card, plus have 0% interest. -That alone will help a lot.

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