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Still in love with the ex....

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Its been 9 months since our breakup (4 years together, no cheating) and over 5 months of NC. I was a complete mess up until a period of NC went by.....I met ALOT of new people, a few dates, lots of prospects and became absorbed in a new career which I absolutely love.


After alot of thinking. I got the guts to visit her myspace recently and noticed some things that make me think maybe its time to say Hi? I still really love her and cant find myself to love another as much as I did her. I cant even find myself wanting to pursue another relationship with anyone else. I was thinking of starting up another myspace and sending a friend request? Is a phone call out of line here?


Either way my family and friends would give me the 3rd degree for even thinking about it.

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Ah don't snoop online! The reason why you are having feelings of reconnecting with her is because you looked, isn't it? What if she is seeing someone new? 9 months is a long time and it's a possibility. I say don't contact her until you're absolutely sure you're over her and don't want her back.

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Ah don't snoop online! The reason why you are having feelings of reconnecting with her is because you looked, isn't it? What if she is seeing someone new? 9 months is a long time and it's a possibility. I say don't contact her until you're absolutely sure you're over her and don't want her back.



I agree with this, what if she says she is happy without you and/or is dating someone new? What do you do then? will that set you back.


I think the fact that you asked is reason enough to think you will be effected by having communication with her.

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I feel your pain mate, I split up with my ex a year and a half ok but still I have some feelings for her even though she cheated on me. I've got a new gf friend now but I still think about my ex. Whilst you're still not totally over her I'd concur with the no contact approach, I have found it harder to move on by keeping even a minimal amount of contact (do as I say not as I do!). It takes time to fully get over a relationship, especially a long one. I heard somewhere that it takes half the time of a relationship to fully get over it... I hope thats not true actually, cos I was with my ex for 7 years which means I've got another 2 to go. Either way it does take time so don't worry if you're still not over it, you'll get there.


It's not easy 'cos you always seem to get reminders from time to time... I ended up blocking my ex on facebook cos I didn't want updates of how she was getting on on our mutual friends profiles. For the moment I'd try to refrain from snooping at the myspace cos that'll only remind you of her.

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