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Am I "Off Limits"???


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Ok, I got a problem that involves my ex from a year ago. It seems that one my ex's friends is attracted to my best friend. My ex never hangs around with them much because she is already in a serious relationship of her own. The problem is that this girl that likes my best friend has a hot friend that knows my ex. Will she consider me "off limits"? This really sucks because before I dated my ex, I was really interested in her and didn't know that they were friends.

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hey slider

well i guess it depends on how close the friendship is and what they believe is fair with rules within mates.

you say that she knows your ex and not a close friend, i personally cant see a problem, i mean your ex is a in a secure relationship and really you could trial it as a double date with your mate.


i guess you'd need to talk to her about it. and also it depends on how long you were with your ex? any attatchments (i dont know your age but to the extent of getting engaged, things like that) i think that and how close they are will change a few things.


other than that, make yourself in limits! and out there.


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i think most people consider their friends ex's off limits. like i would never date any of my friends ex's just because i don't like them like that & most of them turned out to be jerks any way. its good because me & my friends basically have completely different taste in guys, so we never fight over guys. however, i don't think you should be worrying. do you know if she likes you?? i would say that right now, you should just get to know her. if she likes you, she should want to date you & i don't think that just because she is your ex's friend would be a good reason to not date you if she liked you. if she doesn't want to date you because she is worried about what your ex might think, then maybe she should ask her if it would be ok with her. if your ex is in a relationship with someone else now, i don't think it should matter. i think it would only be a big deal if your ex still liked you, but it seems that she has moved on now.

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Hmm... it's been a year... she's involved with someone else, and it doesn't sound like this girl and your ex are close friends. If she's particularly sensitive she might talk to your ex first, but I doubt you'd be "off limits" like a best friend would be, particularly after a year, when it's apparent she's moved into another relationship. If you're interested, I'd think if she is, she'd be receptive enough - you think she might be interested in you as well?

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