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Well I guess I this an ENA confession and am I just in the right mood. Well I am 30 and I just lost my virginity earlier this year. I mean I had done other things but never gone all the way. I had been trying to meet someone very hard for several years and well it just kinda happened earlier this the year. So there is always hope, but as MD posted elsewhere though, what are you going to do about it?


Anyway I have never confessed this to anyone before. Not even my now gf to whom I lost my virginty knows. She hasn't asked btw. I assume she assumes I wasn't, but if she asks I guess I would have to tell her.


Now I think the question us older virgins are asking is how did you pull it off without her getting suspicious up to this point.

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I'm not going to beat around the bush with this one if you are male, over 25 and still a virgin I think it is a fair sign you have some social problems if not severe ones. I'd seek counseling or find a way of getting the deed done.


I disagree with that.


Iam 22 and still a virgin and not even have had a girlfriend in my life and yet here I am with women all in front of me who I fancy and single. I don't have any social problems and I don't think thats even the problem, counseling would be a huge waste of time and money.


Like iv'e been saying not everybody is going to do everything. I will have a dream life, its coming together as we speak but that doesn't mean ill get the share it with another person.


Some people wheren't meant to have a relationship while others wheren't meant to have money, good health....extc...extc....extc thats just life. Iam not being negative in anyway but iv'e tired everything I can to date and nothing has worked.


The only way I see myself not being a virgin in the future is seek an escort.

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Tell that to people in a sexless marriage...or to any of the people posting about how their bf doesn't want to have sex with them.


Thats the thing people want sex like never before, its like sex first then relationship later.


I wouldn't want to have sex with my gf either since iam a virgin, what if shes not?. More problems.

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Now I think the question us older virgins are asking is how did you pull it off without her getting suspicious up to this point.


Oh gosh, I don't know how useful this can be but I feal mandated to respond


Well, short version is I just acted confident, got very comfortable with other, used lots of humor, was very persistent, got very creative in a hurry, and lube. I guess it was the ultimate fake it until you make it. Oh, and communicate all along the whole process. Great lovers talk to each other.



Well, humm. First, well I nots like I din't have any experience. I have had a girl friend, you can ask how long ago... Anyway she broke up with me before we got all the way to fourth base. Beginning of frustration..lol.


Anyway I have gone many dates, and kissed and made out many times, But I have had a really hard time getting a girlfriend. Many girls I went on multiple dates with but always got rejected by them. Any way trying to stay on point because that is the beginning of another thread..(as, if anybody wants to hear that) Anyway just expressing that I have had some relating and sexual experience.


Anyway I started dating somebody and well we got along ok. And we had are first kiss and then started fooling around after that. And pretty soon we were going third base regulary. So we had gotten very comfortable with each other. We decided we were exclusive, and were a couple. So that is pretty much a normal story. She didn't want to go all the for a while. And then all of sudden one day durig a makeout session, she said we could go all the way if I wanted, (I am paraphrasing a bit).


Honestly, I almost passed out. So we were going to do it, And then disaster strikes, Mr. Happy got shy and wouldn't come out and play. Can you believe it. How many years of frustration, and living on diet of bread and butter, and at the critical moment, he gets shy. Oh the humanity....


Any way I just said that sometimes this happens especially when a guy is with somebody new for the first time. So, I just said well we will try again tomorrow. Well later night I punished Mr. Happy and gave him a good flogging (hehe), and warned him he better be ready tomorrow. We'll we went at it again and Mr. Happy did not disappoint this time.


**Ok warning this may get a little graphic, this itself could be novella, but I just put a few key points.


Well, as for the act it self, first thing foreplay. just kiss all of the pink parts passionately starting from the top and work your way down. All good sex starts with good kissing.


As for oral don't be afraid to tell her how you like it on you.


And for intercourse, well this is obvious to any experienced person but it is funny. I quickly realised that you have to position yourselves correctly so parts fits together. It was like I have seen dozens of porns, but how do people actually do this. Well after fretting for a few moments, my animal instinctss kicked and just position her on the edge of couch spread her legs, had her throw them up in the air we were ready to go at it. Well another little thing is were actually is the opening?? If Mr Happy has never gone there before how does he know exactly where it is. Well don't be afraid to feel around with your fingers to find out. and then just go to town.


Anyway, haha, I am not sure if that helps anybody out.

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Now I think the question us older virgins are asking is how did you pull it off without her getting suspicious up to this point.


Now thats something thats only going to vary from person to person something that might work for him and his partner might not work for you and someone else.

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Well certainly, my experience was prob unique. But I think some of the issues I raise, can pretty much universal.


Really the issue whole issue with me was I never got asked a direct question, like when did you last have sex. Or how many partners have you had. So I never had to lie. I don't know what I would do if she asked a direct question before we did the deed.


Now at this point, I would be honest. Because lying wouldn't accomplish anything. Honesty is normally the best policy, but hmm if telling the complete truth is going to scare someone off, a little white lie might be in order.

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Well certainly, my experience was prob unique. But I think some of the issues I raise, can pretty much universal.


Really the issue whole issue with me was I never got asked a direct question, like when did you last have sex. Or how many partners have you had. So I never had to lie. I don't know what I would do if she asked a direct question before we did the deed.


Now at this point, I would be honest. Because lying wouldn't accomplish anything. Honesty is normally the best policy, but hmm if telling the complete truth is going to scare someone off, a little white lie might be in order.


I think as a girl it's harder to "tell a white lie" about your sexual experiences. Mainly because if you have sex for the first time, your hymen may break & thereforeee you're likely to start bleeding. This only happens the first time you have sex. If you start bleeding when having sex, he's probably going to know that it's your first time... unless some other irregularity, but it's prob. just better to tell the truth at that point rather than make up some sexual disfunction... lol.

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I think as a girl it's harder to "tell a white lie" about your sexual experiences. Mainly because if you have sex for the first time, your hymen may break & thereforeee you're likely to start bleeding. This only happens the first time you have sex. If you start bleeding when having sex, he's probably going to know that it's your first time... unless some other irregularity, but it's prob. just better to tell the truth at that point rather than make up some sexual disfunction... lol.


True. But remember that it's more acceptable for a girl to be a virgin than a guy. Although I think that's changed as now even older female virgins are looked down upon as "the crazy cat lady" or something.

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True. But remember that it's more acceptable for a girl to be a virgin than a guy. Although I think that's changed as now even older female virgins are looked down upon as "the crazy cat lady" or something.


No they wouldn't be creepy but they are known as angels cause they are "waiting". us guys where the creepy ones.

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Well certainly, my experience was prob unique. But I think some of the issues I raise, can pretty much universal.


Really the issue whole issue with me was I never got asked a direct question, like when did you last have sex. Or how many partners have you had. So I never had to lie. I don't know what I would do if she asked a direct question before we did the deed.


Now at this point, I would be honest. Because lying wouldn't accomplish anything. Honesty is normally the best policy, but hmm if telling the complete truth is going to scare someone off, a little white lie might be in order.


if your still a virgin and a woman don't worry I mean the pressure is not on you.


He might like the fact that he is going to be your first and it would be something alittle more special than just sex.

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S*** man, I feel ya. I don't prefer to date women who have kids already. I'm like dang, these women are very attractive, but I don't wanna take care of kids that ain't mine! No disrespect, it's like gaaaaah.




I am embarrassed of being a virgin at 26 I find most girls I have intrest in now are single parents, too me that a sign of getting old. I worry about if I was to date a single parent I feel I might be missing out on things I never done before because of being tide with children, (forgot to mention never had a girlfriend) and miss out on sex too because people tell me sex with someone after they've had a child is not the same.


I'm finding it increasingly harder to find girls who don't have children but, sure I am aware they are out there just feel that time is catching me up and only to expect that too happen.


I don't want to sound selfish but that is bothering me.

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